dude (or Xer) on PW just slammed Trump for not backing Desantis in the Florida Gubernatorial, and claimed Trump let a jew, Jared Kushner, run the country for 4 years
im really hoping this is some glowie CIA or CCP poster trying to divide us...but it happens alot on that site now
anyways, thanks for theories and hopium frens
People on PW would probably still be supporting the Bush and Cheney dynasties if it wasn't for Trump and sucking down FOX news like my Dad.
They really have a lot of catching up to do in my opinion but that's why GAW exists baby
haha SRS. my dad watches fox like 9 hours a day...true sheep
Pushing a deSantis/Trump schism has been a pretty routine divide and conquer type strategy perhaps run by people very averse to both people for quite some time. TX Abbott too was in that category once, though not as much any longer as his then-star has faded with his softball approach to subjects that needed a much firmer hand.
I'd say to not let the bell curve extremities detract from your visiting on p.w (or indeed anywhere else) but each to their own, we certainly have enough happening here to keep folks busy.
This is likely a coordinated intel operation. Similar activity right before 2010 mid-terms to try to co-opt/split the Tea Party movement.
I don't go their,but it sounds like they are over run with glowie fags.
Yeah. Big anti-Q sentiment right now. Getting called Q-tard and lots of hate for pointing out that I'm just a slightly more autistic frog from Kekistan...lol
Anyone on PW with common sense already came over to GAW by now.
They are going through the cycle of depression as they come to terms with Q being real. They've passed denial and are now in the anger phase.
Exactly. They lashing out. Posters telling me to "go back to GAW" for posting a Red October meme. So I just carpet bomb them with more spicy memes:
That is why I left PW last year. I spent so much time there and it had become quite negative. Been here on GA since then. I've been trying to pay more attention to how I spend my time. TBH is started getting very depressed. I missed the fun and camaraderie of The_Donald. Now I spend hours here on GA and it is mostly uplifting. Of course life gets dirty but I feel happy here dealing with it with like minded Christians
that site is a cancer full of shills and glowies. i only go on there for memes
PW = pussy whipped?