We must purge the infection in the midterms. And begin to heal. May God have mercy on the swamp rat souls after they lose their status, authority, and protections.
When they buillded themselves a safe space to exist within, and fortified their walls against reality on borrowed money and authority, they will perish when their false security disappears. They brought it up on themselves and let their own selfish minds get the better of their entire futures.
These people really are sick, we must remove these infectors. Me must, and we shall!
Our enemies battle cry is “diversity is our strength”. Anyone saying that only wants to see America dead.
Imagine if we went to any other nation and decided to create our own autonomous areas.
The colonists did it in the past and are not well liked in the history books.
We must purge the infection in the midterms. And begin to heal. May God have mercy on the swamp rat souls after they lose their status, authority, and protections.
When they buillded themselves a safe space to exist within, and fortified their walls against reality on borrowed money and authority, they will perish when their false security disappears. They brought it up on themselves and let their own selfish minds get the better of their entire futures.
These people really are sick, we must remove these infectors. Me must, and we shall!
I'll even go a step further, and say we're being infiltrated from our favorite party.
Hold tight everyone! It's gonna be a bumpy ride!
"Let's see what happens" DJT
For we are opposed around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy.
This is excellently stated. Thank you for posting.
Should rename the account to f r o g w a v e.
At first glance I thought the post said "frogwave".
If you find yourself alone, behind enemy lines, cut off from supplies & COMMS; Simply find something communist and destroy it.
They didnt have the common decency to declare war
“By way of deception, thou shall make war”