What they are calling multi cultural is based on physical skin tone only.
They think if you throw in some black faces you are multi cultural.
In reality true multi cultural means allowing various ideas to be considered.
During the COVID vaccine and mask.
They were not multi cultural at all.
They forced western medicine of big pharmaceutical drugs on everyone. This is anti multi cultural.
True multi cultural means letting various entrepreneurs from different cultures live among each other to share ideas on how to innovate the best for society.
The Cabal is not a supporter of real multi cultural ideas.
They tell you they do based on skin tone. That’s not multi cultural.
I feel that I am being ethnically replaced in the UK, but that leads me to a question:
Who am I being replaced by and does it matter?
I'd rather my ethnicity didn't get genocided as the cabal plans, but if it happened then I would want a certain type of person living in my house and who they are has nothing whatsoever to do with skin colour or ethnicity.
I would want the people living in my house to be responsible and caring members of society and not prone to destruction or cruelty. For bonus points, I'd want them to be resourceful, intelligent, culturally knowledgeble, literary and musical. Most of all, I'd want them to be happy.
I am praying for you and your family. Please know that you are doing a great job with the two that you have here and you were chosen for your strength.
We first have to define what "ethnicity" mean to us.
Me personally.
Skin tone and hair differences are a result of the human body's evolution to temperatures. Which is why humans share a 99.9% physical structure in terms of chemistry.
The rest of the ethnicity has 3 other pieces to it in my view.
When it comes to History and our language at birth.
We don't have too much control over those things.
What's in the past is in the past.
It's immutable.
What the Cabal likes to do is a "bait/switch" when it comes to ethnicity.
They bait us to focus on the physical evolution differences like skin and hair.
Those are the clear differences between people.
So when the average person becomes "race-conscious".
They tend to only focus on the physical evolutionary differences created by nature and the evolution of people.
So when someone thinks they need to defend their race.
They simplify their thinking into believing they only need to defend someone who looks like them.
When in reality.
What people don't think about.
Just because you are white.
That doesn't mean you are all culturally the same.
A white polish person speaks a different language than a white german person.
That's a HUGE deal.
Language is the key to determining how people react to the world.
In some cultures. Saying one word is bad. Using that same word in another culture might not be as bad.
So it's a language that has the biggest impact on cultural differences.
If you cannot understand each other. There isn't an easy way to create a social contract.
This means that if you have two ethnic groups that cannot understand each other. They will rely on general observation to make a judgment about how they feel about each other.
In this case... Since they speak different languages.
There is no way to explain certain behaviors that could have a logical reason behind them.
In America.
The default here is English.
So the major language barrier between various ethnic groups is removed in the states.
The rest of the differences between each group is mostly the result of competitive "Entrepreneurial" endeavors from various countries.
-Different Clothing Taste
-Different Food Taste
-Different Music Taste
-Different Personal Hobby Taste
So you asked a very important question of
"Who am I being replaced by and does it matter?"
Read what I wrote and ask yourself a deeper question.
I would like to save an advanced and differentiated culture with a lot of deep knowledge and flexibility, a self confident, self reliant, kind and adaptable culture and one which produces amazing literature, music, science and invention.
Like the US, the UK is a destination for people who want a better life. Despite being very heavily under the thumb of the cabal for hundreds of years, the UK is basically an wonderfully tolerant, resilient and rich culture and people move here to take advantage of or participate in this country, I really only want the ones who wish to add and participate,
The cabal has marked us for destruction because of our resilience to evil and tyranny so they try their hardest to wash away all the strength of the UK. One way is by direct replacement with huge numbers of people who do not wish to add to the UK, another way is by division, demoralisation and subversion of what is working well here.
I see it differently.
What they are calling multi cultural is based on physical skin tone only.
They think if you throw in some black faces you are multi cultural.
In reality true multi cultural means allowing various ideas to be considered.
During the COVID vaccine and mask. They were not multi cultural at all.
They forced western medicine of big pharmaceutical drugs on everyone. This is anti multi cultural.
True multi cultural means letting various entrepreneurs from different cultures live among each other to share ideas on how to innovate the best for society.
The Cabal is not a supporter of real multi cultural ideas. They tell you they do based on skin tone. That’s not multi cultural.
I feel that I am being ethnically replaced in the UK, but that leads me to a question: Who am I being replaced by and does it matter?
I'd rather my ethnicity didn't get genocided as the cabal plans, but if it happened then I would want a certain type of person living in my house and who they are has nothing whatsoever to do with skin colour or ethnicity.
I would want the people living in my house to be responsible and caring members of society and not prone to destruction or cruelty. For bonus points, I'd want them to be resourceful, intelligent, culturally knowledgeble, literary and musical. Most of all, I'd want them to be happy.
What do you think?
I think you should go have like five more kids
Wife has stopped at two and one is very disabled so I have not done very well with replacing myself in terms of demographics.
I am praying for you and your family. Please know that you are doing a great job with the two that you have here and you were chosen for your strength.
We first have to define what "ethnicity" mean to us.
Me personally.
Skin tone and hair differences are a result of the human body's evolution to temperatures. Which is why humans share a 99.9% physical structure in terms of chemistry.
The rest of the ethnicity has 3 other pieces to it in my view.
When it comes to History and our language at birth.
We don't have too much control over those things. What's in the past is in the past. It's immutable.
What the Cabal likes to do is a "bait/switch" when it comes to ethnicity.
They bait us to focus on the physical evolution differences like skin and hair. Those are the clear differences between people.
So when the average person becomes "race-conscious". They tend to only focus on the physical evolutionary differences created by nature and the evolution of people.
So when someone thinks they need to defend their race. They simplify their thinking into believing they only need to defend someone who looks like them.
When in reality.
What people don't think about.
Just because you are white. That doesn't mean you are all culturally the same.
A white polish person speaks a different language than a white german person.
That's a HUGE deal.
Language is the key to determining how people react to the world. In some cultures. Saying one word is bad. Using that same word in another culture might not be as bad.
So it's a language that has the biggest impact on cultural differences. If you cannot understand each other. There isn't an easy way to create a social contract.
This means that if you have two ethnic groups that cannot understand each other. They will rely on general observation to make a judgment about how they feel about each other.
In this case... Since they speak different languages. There is no way to explain certain behaviors that could have a logical reason behind them.
In America.
The default here is English.
So the major language barrier between various ethnic groups is removed in the states.
The rest of the differences between each group is mostly the result of competitive "Entrepreneurial" endeavors from various countries.
-Different Clothing Taste -Different Food Taste -Different Music Taste -Different Personal Hobby Taste
So you asked a very important question of
"Who am I being replaced by and does it matter?"
Read what I wrote and ask yourself a deeper question.
What exactly are you trying to save and why?
I think i see what you are getting at.
I would like to save an advanced and differentiated culture with a lot of deep knowledge and flexibility, a self confident, self reliant, kind and adaptable culture and one which produces amazing literature, music, science and invention.
Like the US, the UK is a destination for people who want a better life. Despite being very heavily under the thumb of the cabal for hundreds of years, the UK is basically an wonderfully tolerant, resilient and rich culture and people move here to take advantage of or participate in this country, I really only want the ones who wish to add and participate,
The cabal has marked us for destruction because of our resilience to evil and tyranny so they try their hardest to wash away all the strength of the UK. One way is by direct replacement with huge numbers of people who do not wish to add to the UK, another way is by division, demoralisation and subversion of what is working well here.
Well, keep one thing in mind.
The Cabal doesn't just allow "any" migrant to come into a country.
They purposely take the rejects from every country and use those rejects to cause chaos.
Look at Ukraine for example.
They are letting the white Nazis (Rejects) run the place to the ground.