On October 9, 1967, socialist revolutionary and guerilla leader Che Guevara, age 39, was killed by the Bolivian army.
Cabal History
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Good riddance: why don’t most remember his troops’ lining up and gunning down homosexuals? That guy was no better than who he pretended fighting against.
He appears to have become a monster. However, it appears to me that the cabal was using him for their purposes, and when he "got off the chain" and started going after their corrupt corporate activities in Central/S. America and Africa they took him out.
Always the case with everyone like Gadaffi, Saddam, Hitler, etc
Certainly seems to be a historical pattern of blackmail or threats to control these guys. When they get "off the chain" and try to act in the best interest of their culture or country OR go counter to the cabal orders, bad stuff happens to them.
This isn’t accurate. He was part of the international. A communist secret order with Masonic rites. I have spoken with one of his Bazooka man. He confirmed he would kill farmers without reason at times, and he would rape their daughters and kill them too. He was an occultist.
Probably not a good guy, but media portrayal (good or bad) is probably not the whole story. He fits a pattern going back to Lenin of a kid from a wealthy cabal-connected family involved in "Revolutions" that appear to be backed by global bankers.
Age of death '39' is possibly cabal marker that they killed him, and then subsequently "marketed" him as some amazing "revolutionary leader". Celebrating someone they killed is a classic cabal tactic, imo.
Ever since being awake, everyone now looks like a freaking actor to me. This guys is a dead ringer for Josh Hartnett
If cloning is real, there is no doubt that they would clone this dude and make him a Hollywood actor. You might be more correct than you know. Alas, I have no sauce to support, and I am generally avoiding speculation on the cloning, lizard people, and "flat Earth" topics until more tangible evidence is available.
The Dr. had plans to venture into biochemical 'research'.
S. American spywork with motorcycle touring as cover.
(Since David Ferrie was known to fly his plane to S America a lot, I wonder if they were in contact. See Dr. Mary's Monkey/David Ferrie)
His forays into Africa were to foment chaos as 'revolution' and the timing was concurrent with an outbreak of ebola.
Last person to see him alive was Max Gomez, aka Felix Rodriguez, buddy to George H. W. Bush and CIA operative.
To create a martyr, execute him in the field illegally without trial and then lay him out like a statue of the Pieta as Jesus and take pictures, saying nuns seeing him said he looked like christ.
Executed or rescued?
Controlled Opposition PSYOP anyone?
Very interesting. Sounds like he may have dabbled in the biowarfare stuff a bit while in Africa using his "medical" background.
He was an occultist. Pentagram over his forehead, and all the brutal murders and rape of young girls was all part of his rituals.
Do you think he faked his death to escape justice?
Castro had him killed the same way he killed Camilo Sienfuegos. Castro asked Che to stay in Cuba and help him manage the country. Che refused and left to go “liberate” the rest of Latin America. Castro had him killed for fear of Che getting captured and revealing the secrets. Anyone He couldn’t control from up close he had killed. Camilo died in a storm while on a airplane, that is the official story told to the populace. The reality is that airplane never took off, he was shot by anti air guns on the ground.
Castro appears to have been strongly connected to globalists and their agenda. Do we know who he really was? Seems likely he was a member of the cabal families and was given an "assignment" to take over Cuba and align it with the Soviet Union. The timing (prior to the cabal target date of 1964) indicates to me that it was not just a random event, but arranged for a very specific reason.
Castro was meant to be Cabal Controlled. But he went rouge, that is the only reason the CIA went after him. They didn’t want anyone that couldn’t be controlled in power. You are witnessing the power struggle of secret societies for control of the planet.
Is the star on his beret accurate? It is pointing down. (Baphomet)
For example, Communist Chinese caps have the start pointing up
Published July 24, 2019, Updated August 5, 2019 by Mark Oliver.
"Who Was Che Guevara? The Story Of The Argentinian Revolutionary Who Became A Global Icon": https://allthatsinteresting.com/ernesto-che-guevara
-on Guevara's involvement in Guatemala opposing US corporate interests
This Day in History "Ernesto “Che” Guevara is captured and executed for attempting to incite a revolution in Bolivia": https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2022/10/09/this-day-in-history-october-9/
Yet another son of a wealthy cabal family involved in murderous Communist revolution that executed or impoverished a large portion of the middle class?