The sheep are for slaughter, that is the mentality of the wolf. The good shepherd risks his life for the sheep, and the sheep know their shepherd. Jesus Christ, our God, and salvation, we wait for your return eagerly, amen.
You joined 7 days ago - you are flagged as a handshake account. Don't not bother the mods. This is so other users and the Mods can consider the source and watch out for trolls and shills. Watch & learn.
Check my post log. I wasn’t a handshake yesterday. And for your information I have been on this boards for years, it was only a matter of time before this place was compromised.
I found Christ. Was Jewish until some years ago.
Now I still say im Jewish ethnically, but spiritually im with Christ and Christians and I pray for both forgiveness and his return.
All who come to Christ are real Jews. Moses was given the law, and man still went against the lord. Christ God in the flesh came to redeem us, for man is vulnerable and easy to temp. His blood atones for our sin, and we are made right by accepting him as our savior. You are my brother in Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews.
The handshake didn't spook me, by the way. We've been advised to expect new visitors/Movement members, so I don't see why a handshake would be an issue -- ESPECIALLY considering the message!
I do hope the issue gets resolved - sure is strange.
On with the message:
God loves us.
God delivers us.
God HEALS us.
God saves us.
The sheep are for slaughter, that is the mentality of the wolf. The good shepherd risks his life for the sheep, and the sheep know their shepherd. Jesus Christ, our God, and salvation, we wait for your return eagerly, amen.
Did you notice the handshake all the sudden appear on my handle after this post? How strangely coincidental is that?
You joined 7 days ago - you are flagged as a handshake account. Don't not bother the mods. This is so other users and the Mods can consider the source and watch out for trolls and shills. Watch & learn.
Check my post log. I wasn’t a handshake yesterday. And for your information I have been on this boards for years, it was only a matter of time before this place was compromised.
Negative. Check my other post, it just appeared.
I found Christ. Was Jewish until some years ago. Now I still say im Jewish ethnically, but spiritually im with Christ and Christians and I pray for both forgiveness and his return.
Welcome brother or sister. I'm glad we can both be together in the Lord.
Why do they hate Christ so much? Because he is the truth.
All who come to Christ are real Jews. Moses was given the law, and man still went against the lord. Christ God in the flesh came to redeem us, for man is vulnerable and easy to temp. His blood atones for our sin, and we are made right by accepting him as our savior. You are my brother in Jesus Christ, the King of the Jews.
AMEN, Brother Fren
Thank you. May you be blessed and your path to eternal life be light, by the grace of our Lord, Jesus.
Praying God's blessings upon you too!
The handshake didn't spook me, by the way. We've been advised to expect new visitors/Movement members, so I don't see why a handshake would be an issue -- ESPECIALLY considering the message!
I do hope the issue gets resolved - sure is strange.
On with the message:
God loves us. God delivers us.
God HEALS us. God saves us.
And in the end (also the beginning)
Amen brother. Together, by the grace of all mighty God, we will bring light to this world.
And awomen 🤣🤣🤣
God Grace be with you.