The FBI wants two more weeks so it can prepare a motion for reconsideration. As a courtesy, we have not objected to the request. According to the government’s motion, “the FBI is uncertain how to comply with the Court’s order as written, and the FBI is seeking input from a pending appellate consultation regarding the order to properly address this issue.”
Good lord these people are such frauds. The leeway the judge gives them is absurd.
"It's not the crime, it's the cover-up" that proves they are guilty of hiding something.
I don't even need any proof at this point. EVERYTHING we've thought about the Seth Rich murder, and were called CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiSts, looks about right just judging from their actions.
Posted earlier on the TechnoFog telegram
Good lord these people are such frauds. The leeway the judge gives them is absurd.
Damn. Thanks for the update, fellow starseed.
Without details or definition of what the "Seth Rich laptop" is they can keep slow rolling all this.
If someone had an evidence number or something that can be used to identify it officially it would be a lot harder.
Because they have so much to hide and everything to lose.
Otherwise, if they were on the up and up, why be difficult? Why hide anything? Hand it all over and then some to repair the credibility of the FBI.
But we all know that's not gonna happen. LOL Glowfags gonna glowfag.
Agree with these people are such frauds. I hope Seth is alive. If so, then ok for the delay.
"It's not the crime, it's the cover-up" that proves they are guilty of hiding something.
I don't even need any proof at this point. EVERYTHING we've thought about the Seth Rich murder, and were called CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiSts, looks about right just judging from their actions.
No laptop before midterms.