So I am struggling with something that really bothers me. For al that we have learned for the past few years… I Trust no one in any kind of authority at all from the president all the way down to school board none of them do I trust… at all. I dispise doctors, but one day I will need them.. I dipise police but one day may need them.. I do not even trust my church anymore, but I found Christ is with me and always has been. So my question is simple. Where do we go from here? I have no idea how I can trust any one without them proving themselves first
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Don't listen to what someone says, observe what they do.
Actions speak louder than words.
Also, research is your fren.
"Trust but verify"
Always First Trust God, let him guide you and then watch what people do as apposed to what they say. God will guide you, that is the reason we get those thoughts in the back of our heads and the little hairs that stand on the backs of our necks. He gives us signs all the time, trust him and trust yourself.
Trust yourself enough to make the right decisions friend.
Always proceed with caution. I think the public may have gotten to where we were a little too trusting of all people in certain positions. More than they deserved without questioning often enough.
The idea is not to look forward to letting your guard down. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
In Gods Kingdom you can relax for eternity.
you must trust us to ask
Of course I trust this group because you all have proven true and trustworthy and you claim no authority
Wait did I just answer my own question?
Yes of course I trust this group! Because you all have been proven trustworthy..
You trust collective wisdom, not us
I’m in the same place. Trust is earned through actions. The minute that trust is broken, we need to learn in this country how to immediately call them out and THROW them out off office. And run them out of town if necessary. Our journalists have done us a disservice in not asking the right questions. We need to be actively involved in asking questions.
We also don’t vet our judges very well for each election. I never see them answer any questions for us to know who is a constitutional judge or not. I don’t have time to hear or research how they rule on cases. This needs to be an easier process with all the technology we have.
As a society we have become lazy, which is how all this communism and Marxism infiltrated every institution.
Dont trust, blockchain
Start with finding a new church if you can't trust them. Find a church that has great leadership.
Then from there you can ask around about doctors. If you're lucky, you'll also befriend a few police officers in that church.
GoT contained quite an expletive remark: you want a whore? buy one. You want a queen, earn it.
And in that sense, we are all sovereigns.
Trust comes on different planes. So we have to be conscious about to what extend we trust. For instance, in the process of executing a contract, we can give trust, it will be done. Or we can set the stage to inquire whether there is sufficient trust to allow a contract be signed and executed.
SO, instead of simply clicking ok to any of the online available services, we have to learn to use the trust dimension in dealing with people. AS soon as they hide behind structure and administration, they cannot be trusted at all.
If the Lord is your shepherd then you shall not want quacks or cops
I understand what you are feeling, however, you seem do be demoralized by it. Instead, be empowered by it! You know the truth and if you don’t, you actively seek it. You are 1000 steps ahead of any normie. Wear it as a badge of honor, walk confidently into each and every room and defend yourself and your community from Satan!