A warrant canary is a method by which a communications service provider aims to inform its users that the provider has been served with a government subpoena despite legal prohibitions on revealing the existence of the subpoena. The warrant canary typically informs users that there has not been a court-issued subpoena as of a particular date. If the canary is not updated for the period specified by the host or if the warning is removed, users might assume the host has been served with such a subpoena. The intention is for a provider passively to warn users of the existence of a subpoena, albeit violating the spirit of a court order not to do so, while not violating the letter of the order.
So it leaked this week that Gregg gave testimony to an LA Grand Jury regarding the CEO of a China Front Company that runs assets here in the US; hence that indictment in a Democrat controlled district. Goes way beyond voting fraud, though that is the current issue on our list. This could implicate anyone (probably at or towards the top) in government, NGOs, law enforcement and media. I'm sure he caught wind he is a target and taking the appropriate measures. He's posted ominous messages before but clearing out his TS account would take time, especially his, unless he made a call to Nunes for back door access to do the same. It would take too much time to delete one post at a time. One can delete their account, but that's not what occurred. Thoughts?
Yeah, I saw some talking about that as well. I definitely feel like some inside access would be needed to be able to empty his account like that. I think it is probably tied to the testimony. There's is one lingering thought I have, Gregg has mentioned he's been doing this for 40 years and how everything is an info OP. He has said he is also an info OP.
I'd go dark too if I were in his position. He may need a private security team if he doesn't have one already! Plus, he's most likely testifying against YU in LA. Gag Order issued...
A warrant canary is a method by which a communications service provider aims to inform its users that the provider has been served with a government subpoena despite legal prohibitions on revealing the existence of the subpoena. The warrant canary typically informs users that there has not been a court-issued subpoena as of a particular date. If the canary is not updated for the period specified by the host or if the warning is removed, users might assume the host has been served with such a subpoena. The intention is for a provider passively to warn users of the existence of a subpoena, albeit violating the spirit of a court order not to do so, while not violating the letter of the order.
So it leaked this week that Gregg gave testimony to an LA Grand Jury regarding the CEO of a China Front Company that runs assets here in the US; hence that indictment in a Democrat controlled district. Goes way beyond voting fraud, though that is the current issue on our list. This could implicate anyone (probably at or towards the top) in government, NGOs, law enforcement and media. I'm sure he caught wind he is a target and taking the appropriate measures. He's posted ominous messages before but clearing out his TS account would take time, especially his, unless he made a call to Nunes for back door access to do the same. It would take too much time to delete one post at a time. One can delete their account, but that's not what occurred. Thoughts?
Yeah, I saw some talking about that as well. I definitely feel like some inside access would be needed to be able to empty his account like that. I think it is probably tied to the testimony. There's is one lingering thought I have, Gregg has mentioned he's been doing this for 40 years and how everything is an info OP. He has said he is also an info OP.
Nothing wrong with that.
Just thought it was interesting and I would share
it is interesting, thanks for letting us know
Absolutely, I'm glad I could help
Interesting, seems to me a few weeks after his last "dark time" the konnech guy YU was arrested. Let me know if I am incorrect
Is this how they get them off the social.media? Call them to court and suppress them?
Perhaps because he testified and his been sworn to secrecy so he thought best to be silent? https://greatawakening.win/p/15K6JXYCn7/gregg-phillips-testified-to-the-/c/
I'd go dark too if I were in his position. He may need a private security team if he doesn't have one already! Plus, he's most likely testifying against YU in LA. Gag Order issued...
In related news, Jack Maxey has shut the hell up for months now with no end in sight.
Paytriots gotta keep up their mystique by calling ‘taking a break’ instead ‘going dark’.
also a strong possibility.
Few will miss this paytriot.