Another gigantic fake story to keep covid alive and force more death jabs on the stupid complying sheep. NWO would never risk putting something out there that THEY could be killed by too.
They'll claim it is so they can study to make antibodies for it. However something like an 80% lethal covid virus wouldn't even appear in nature because viruses don't ever evolve naturally to be more deadly, just less deadly and more transmissable.
This would be like Hitler announcing they have even hotter ovens. WTF! Do the people have to storm this place and burn it to the ground? Why are we allowing people to openly brag about how they just made a questionable virus already rumored to be created in a lab even DEADLIER! This is peak insanity.
Fear porn. But have hope. Because every single thing that exists in this and any dimension, and in all universes, has it's precise opposite in existence. All the evil we become more and more aware of, illustrates just how astounding is The Light of God. How much goodness, compassion and love actually fuels creation. I don't know why evil was allowed to get the foothold that it has but it is pretty clear that the scales are massively tipping the other way. Keep that Light on in your hearts and minds, frens! It has never mattered more. Be so bright that evil cannot bear to be where you are!
To cover for the shots.
That would be ultra diabolical.
First time around here? 🤣 ultra diabolical is basically their main job
Some of us were born innocent and Naive. The darkside was cast upon us later in life. ;)
yeah... that's true for me as well 😶
this whole thing smells like comms...
80% kill rate of traitors? I hope it's higher than that, but I'll take life in GITMO for the other 20%.
So they can blame the Coof
Another gigantic fake story to keep covid alive and force more death jabs on the stupid complying sheep. NWO would never risk putting something out there that THEY could be killed by too.
Unless they actually had a "vaccine" or "cure" for it, just for themselves
FAKE NEWS. (made with mematic)
That’s for the meme under the headline
They'll claim it is so they can study to make antibodies for it. However something like an 80% lethal covid virus wouldn't even appear in nature because viruses don't ever evolve naturally to be more deadly, just less deadly and more transmissable.
It’s like shooting me with an AK47
so you can find the cure for
Swiss Cheese syndrome.
It's a threat.
Yeah, maybe it's a killswitch number of some kind. Like, we'll kill 80% of the population etc.if you do what we think you're doing.
To release as punishment should the GOP win bigly at the midterms and start looking in to things.
and oh no it escaped, it grabbed the wheel of a car and took over and then went to the airport and now super covid is airborne
Take the poison or die.
Gut check time if real.
Ok I'm still not taking it.
Still not taking that stuff.
This would be like Hitler announcing they have even hotter ovens. WTF! Do the people have to storm this place and burn it to the ground? Why are we allowing people to openly brag about how they just made a questionable virus already rumored to be created in a lab even DEADLIER! This is peak insanity.
The vaxxine for the new deadly variant in 3....2.....1........
Fear porn. But have hope. Because every single thing that exists in this and any dimension, and in all universes, has it's precise opposite in existence. All the evil we become more and more aware of, illustrates just how astounding is The Light of God. How much goodness, compassion and love actually fuels creation. I don't know why evil was allowed to get the foothold that it has but it is pretty clear that the scales are massively tipping the other way. Keep that Light on in your hearts and minds, frens! It has never mattered more. Be so bright that evil cannot bear to be where you are!
completely unrelated to the nightmare variant they just released, im sure
to pretend viruses are real
the fraud continues...