iDontShift -2 points ago +7 / -9

elon has space x, space x is funded by nasa

space is a lie, nasa is a lie, elon must also then be a lie

unless he is there to spoil the lie, but i haven't seen evidence of that

the moonlander IS TINY, they shrunk the size of the model people to make it look like they'd fit inside .. lol

deleted 2 points ago +3 / -1
iDontShift 1 point ago +1 / -0

God is all there is. there is nothing else

iDontShift 0 points ago +1 / -1

to pretend viruses are real

the fraud continues...

by BQnita
iDontShift 4 points ago +5 / -1

the earth is flat, nukes are fake, einstein is a fraud, tesla offer unlimited free energy

the correct answer is God is all there is

you are one with that, when you awaken to Truth, you realize the Christ within

that is Christ's second coming, alive in you.

if you cannot believe in yourself, then thru me - Jesus

iDontShift 5 points ago +6 / -1

i heard it looked exactly like it had been firebombed

i also saw pictures of 'plumb of smoke' from multiple angles.. somehow the plane actually flew around the none-moving plumb of smoke to take the photos that we have.

below is the nuke scare vid from the 50s .. it is clearly a production designed to produce maximum scare..

none of the shots below appear to be 'outside' .. just like seeing the moon landing crap, there is no space visible in any pictures/videos of the moon, only black space. they appear isolated because they are


iDontShift 1 point ago +1 / -0

because the cause is neither the vax nor covid

it is what you think it is

iDontShift 2 points ago +2 / -0

but that makes sense and insightful.

entirely out of character

iDontShift 1 point ago +1 / -0

bill gates is a twat .. and not a real person at all

he isn't trying to be God, because God doesn't require deception and lies

he is the devil, he does those things, and hangs out with people that do those things

he is rotten, sadly, and not at ALL ACTING ALONE

he is a is the tip of the shitberg

iDontShift 2 points ago +2 / -0

fools project and consider realities unwanted

iDontShift 2 points ago +2 / -0

new reporting

he made it up if it isn't sourced

iDontShift 2 points ago +3 / -1

unfortunate effect of sheer ignorance being inserted in place of "common sense."

look at all the words you actually substitute for 'common sense'

no my friend, it is you that fail to see 'prop rocks' in the photos of the moon landing, not me.

it is you that fails to see the backdrop used, and the multiple re-uses of the same background

the list of 'problems' with the moon landing is nearly infinite

here is a list of the real reasons each 'space mission' happened. it was literally 'taken away' after it was feared to being overused. it was and it was already to late.


But alas, this fact of physics, is likely too subtle for you.

ah yes, you are a professional! making up new stuff as we go! right on.

for one, there is a atmosphere, supposedly . you seem to omit facts or change them as it suits you.

is that common sense to you?

given the entire picture, a few pieces (dust didn't move) being shaky is 'small potatoes' compared to the fact the first time they attempted to land a 'lunar modular' using rocket propulsion failed incredibly badly. - and was never tested again

or the first/only time they tested a 'space suit' the man fainted .. and it was never tested again

i say you must overlook an insane amount of evidence that fails the scientific test

iDontShift 0 points ago +1 / -1

curcumference of a circle = pi x (radius)^2 area of a sphere = 4pi x (radius)^2 This is elementary geometry. Only the profoundly ignorant do not know or use this.

it is spelled circumference

Earth curvature must figure into the problem at large distances.

yes, yet it is not. and we have multiple examples in which it is clearly violated (see the bottom of mountains from over 100 miles away)

that is entirely my point. you assume it is used, you are wrong.

What is your problem with microwave towers?

none. they prove my point

iDontShift 2 points ago +3 / -1

What do you mean "formula for the curvature of the Earth"?

you know, that formula you would use to calculated microwave towers given the curve over (x) miles

this is NOT actually done. but it is an example of what would be done, if the earth where in fact curved

microwaves travel straight, and towers are placed at the same height, based upon sea level and point them at each other. (just one more proof for the lack of a curve)

Easy formulas. I'm sure you can look them up.

be the first to find it! nobody else can. show me who uses it...

What you seem to believe in is a fairy tale where people don't die, memories are not forgotten, and information is never lost.

here is forbes saying 'we lost ability to travel to moon

here is a list of reasons we can't build a rocket

whatever you say champ. seems to me there are many opinions (as to why we can't/haven't build one again), but mostly clouded bullshit that leads to the same conclusion..

it can't be done.. or it can but nobody wants to spend the money on it

That has no relationship to reality.

i can smell bullshit, and the moonlanding reeks of it. if you can't smell it.. perhaps you are paid not to? probably the most disingenious thing NASA does is employ dipshits to spread their lies. folks just can't believe that a trillion dollar lie, and i get that is 'the rub'

but you take a step back, you see footprints in soft dust.. that dust couldn't possibly be there after a rocket landing. any and all small debris would have been sent flying

but alas, all this trivia is most likely too subtle for you.

iDontShift -1 points ago +2 / -3

Does this mean no rockets actually penetrate the “dome”, or is there a door or tear somewhere? (Like the milky way we see looks like a tear in the sky).

this is what i've come to believe. and, pure speculation here.. but the idea is that atlantis sunk itself was the great flood, and that flood was caused by cracking the dome, which healed and left the 'milky way'

i do believe atlantis existed and that it sunk itself. i've also found a book called 'the lost continent of mu' which is a book which found a continent on the west of the united states that also sunk, called mu

iDontShift 0 points ago +2 / -2

when i saw it, it was readily googlable info

iDontShift -1 points ago +2 / -3

infinite plane of existence

or there is a dome, as the bible says

i do feel it is correct to say we live 'within' God.

the idea we are nothing but energy.. allowed me to heal myself

it shouldn't matter what i think

anyway, all i know is that what can be proven is a stationary

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