Im a 34, single woman who loves Jesus and I almost lost my job for refusing the vax. It has severely limited my dating options because I won’t date vaccinated men and it can be frustrating knowing that I’m losing time on my biological clock. But I trust God and know that if I can trust him to bring me through the mandate unscathed, He can certainly bring me a Godly, handsome, unvaxxed man.
I wasn’t sure if I wanted children growing up to be honest. I’ve spent my adult years traveling and focusing on career. But I never thought I wouldn’t have the option. A lot of it is pressure from what my family wants for me, but the other part of me feels called to be a wife and mother. I also think I might feel sad later in life if I don’t have a family of my own. So I suppose I wanted to have the option to not have kids, not have it taken away from me because I couldn’t find the right man in time.
You can adopt. Other people can't know what's best for you. You need to do some soul searching - can you afford a kid on your own? Can you take care of it on your own without believing that family being able to help is a given? And while it has gotten rare due to the good side of modern medicine, complications still do happen. It permanently changes you. Have you done any research? Done any math?
Im a 34, single woman who loves Jesus and I almost lost my job for refusing the vax. It has severely limited my dating options because I won’t date vaccinated men and it can be frustrating knowing that I’m losing time on my biological clock. But I trust God and know that if I can trust him to bring me through the mandate unscathed, He can certainly bring me a Godly, handsome, unvaxxed man.
Have you taken the time to think deeply about wanting a family, or is that just what your family and society expects of you?
I wasn’t sure if I wanted children growing up to be honest. I’ve spent my adult years traveling and focusing on career. But I never thought I wouldn’t have the option. A lot of it is pressure from what my family wants for me, but the other part of me feels called to be a wife and mother. I also think I might feel sad later in life if I don’t have a family of my own. So I suppose I wanted to have the option to not have kids, not have it taken away from me because I couldn’t find the right man in time.
You could freeze your eggs. Then you'll have options.
You can adopt. Other people can't know what's best for you. You need to do some soul searching - can you afford a kid on your own? Can you take care of it on your own without believing that family being able to help is a given? And while it has gotten rare due to the good side of modern medicine, complications still do happen. It permanently changes you. Have you done any research? Done any math?
I'd rather have my balls cut off than have a kid.
Honestly, you should be looking for a much older man at this point.
Yes I’ve recently come to that decision. Men my age are going for much younger women. It’s a rough reality.
Uh oh… Flood of creepy PMs and marriage proposals incoming. 😂
Lol I’m fit and very attractive. But I haven’t found the same in men. Atleast not one that loves Jesus.