What accomplishments!? Name just one. Is it the economy, interest rates, world peace, bringing the country together, promoting abortions up to and after birth, destroying the medical community, forcing citizens out of jobs into government dependence, or is it depleting our oil reserve, making us energy dependent, increasing food prices, weakening our military, destroying the respect of the U.S.as a world leader, or increasing U.S. debt?
I hope so. His accomplishments are toward the destruction of America.
An adult will have to come in and clean up his mess. That can't happen soon enough.
I'm glad to see that Biden's ear lobes are still attatched.
It'll be different next week.
That's WHEN we win, Joey. And when we do, we're going to tear it ALL down!
Didn’t know people called failure an accomplishment nowadays.
I mean, these same people call men women.
What an utter MORON, I could think of other things to call him, but moron seems to fit perfectly.
If reopening the pipelines and restarting explorations for gas, fuel... absolutely.
Heed that warning NBC. We are exposing ALL of your lies.
You TORE DOWN the amazing economy and national pride we had just two years ago.
Accomplishments? The 3 new words he developed? The exponential growth in the field of child-groping?
What accomplishments?! Christ what a narcissistic asshole!
the senile old pervert actually thinks he has accomplishments!!!! Well he did pull off a coup, so they have that, and thats nice.
What accomplishments!? Name just one. Is it the economy, interest rates, world peace, bringing the country together, promoting abortions up to and after birth, destroying the medical community, forcing citizens out of jobs into government dependence, or is it depleting our oil reserve, making us energy dependent, increasing food prices, weakening our military, destroying the respect of the U.S.as a world leader, or increasing U.S. debt?
From the perspective of the Globalist scum Brandon reports to, he’s made quite a few “accomplishments”
Let's hope so. Tear down them mfrs.💪