Year on year figures for hits in the news for 'Died Suddenly'
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'Died Suddenly News' Group Removed from Facebook New 'Died Suddenly News' Group Created on GAB
COVEXIT Sep 28 It’s now a few hours the group ‘Died Suddenly News’ is no longer accessible from Facebook at its address
The group was administered by Tiago Fernando Henriques, a FOREX trader, and reached a huge membership of over 300,000 members, making it, according to its administrator, “the fasted growing group on Facebook.”
This was a private group, with numerous testimonies about sudden deaths, and also not sudden ones, thought to be attributable to the vaccines.
We will post more details once they are available.
Yet, to be noted is that Tiago Fernando Henriques is inviting people to join this new group, also titled “Died Suddenly News” on GAB:
Beware that there is at least one other initiative on Facebook to create a new group with slightly the same name, but that initiative does not originate from Fernando Henriques. It’s pretty obvious that any such group is doomed to be removed by the Tech giant that has been actively censoring covid-19 news over the past 2 years.
It was pretty obvious the group was going to be taken down. In fact, the BBC had declared that the group had been taken down, as explained in this post by the DailySceptic, but it looks like Facebook was slower to implement than they expected.
My goodness... a meme on its own. Dummies would still tie it to Muhhh, CoVId....
The brainwashing runs deep. A very good friend of mine lost his (also a very good friend of mine) wife. I had begged her not to get the Vax, and immediately he knew damn good and well that it was the shot that murdered her. Only a few months have passed, and he is starting to rapidly forget and blame it on other things. Including Covid. It is very hard to comprehend.
Edit: it was not immediate it took several months and included multi-organ failure
I am sorry that happened to her - terrible. Seems that nothing can get through the minds of some people. They can't possibly fathom that there are real monsters in places of power that want to kill us. It is unimaginable to many because most believe that people (including those in control) are decent human beings who wouldn't allow a poison to be administered to billions.
Thank you. I could not agree with you more.
Whilst the raw data isn't very clean, the trend is still valid.
In addition to the massive jump so far in 2022, the year on year figure was increasing already. This could be down to how Google collects data, or how many news sites are out there etc. - but it seems too steady a rise to not be worthy of additional focus.
Perhaps there was something already going on before the jabs as well?
Raw data:
died suddenly after:2005-01-01 before:2005-12-31 880
died suddenly after:2006-01-01 before:2006-12-31 1,960
died suddenly after:2007-01-01 before:2007-12-31 3,300
died suddenly after:2008-01-01 before:2008-12-31 4,950
died suddenly after:2009-01-01 before:2009-12-31 8,410
died suddenly after:2010-01-01 before:2010-12-31 11,700
died suddenly after:2011-01-01 before:2011-12-31 16,900
died suddenly after:2012-01-01 before:2012-12-31 20,800
died suddenly after:2013-01-01 before:2013-12-31 35,400
died suddenly after:2014-01-01 before:2014-12-31 50,900
died suddenly after:2015-01-01 before:2015-12-31 64,600
died suddenly after:2016-01-01 before:2016-12-31 83,700
died suddenly after:2017-01-01 before:2017-12-31 93,500
died suddenly after:2018-01-01 before:2018-12-31 120,000
died suddenly after:2019-01-01 before:2019-12-31 148,000
died suddenly after:2020-01-01 before:2020-12-31 174,000
died suddenly after:2021-01-01 before:2021-12-31 212,000
died suddenly after:2022-01-01 before:2022-12-31 4,370,000
In addition to all the above, the figures for 2022 are weird. When you look at them on a month-month basis they are still high and rise as time progresses, they don't add up to the yearly total so far - nowhere near.
died suddenly after:2022-01-01 before:2022-02-01 54,400
died suddenly after:2022-02-01 before:2022-03-01 63,100
died suddenly after:2022-03-01 before:2022-04-01 34,300
died suddenly after:2022-04-01 before:2022-05-01 70,100
died suddenly after:2022-05-01 before:2022-06-01 77,800
died suddenly after:2022-06-01 before:2022-07-01 86,900
died suddenly after:2022-07-01 before:2022-08-01 45,900
died suddenly after:2022-08-01 before:2022-09-01 104,000
died suddenly after:2022-09-01 before:2022-10-01 57,700
died suddenly after:2022-10-01 before:2022-11-01 116,000
died suddenly after:2022-11-01 before:2022-12-01 0
died suddenly after:2022-12-01 before:2023-01-01 0
Now I didn't do the start/end dates exactly because I was in a rush, but if anything the monthly totals should include overlap and be more than the yearly total.
All these results were obtained in the last hour.
From my experience pushing back on normies regarding this topic…they blame it on long Covid and not the vaccine.
Well, ya can't fix stupid.
Nor should we waste our time.
We know we're right, they'll deny it to their graves.
Nothing left to do but sit back and wait.
I kind of wonder if the slow ramp up was the push for flu vaccines and then their plan got forced into full acceleration mode so that all could see it
FB also stopped the diedsuddenly hashtag, when you click it it says how they are protecting the community.
So take a screen shot of the page, and post it with the hashtag #ProtectingTheCommunity
Well , ya know….. climate change!!!