Me and my kids would always laugh when someone came into the pawn shop (on Pawn Stars) and want a huge amount for what they had, like $100,000, and Rick would say "The best I can do is $200".
And the other hilarious episode is when the old man gave Chumlee an assignment. He wanted Chumlee to go out and get three things: a glass hammer, a bucket of steam and a left handed coffee mug.
The Germans have a saying for this: "Unwissenheit/Dummheit schützt vor Strafe nicht!"
which translates into: "Ignorance/Stupidity does not protect you from punishment!"
They use it all the time. You are supposed to know every rule. Just knowing some law exists, does not mean you will not be punished for breaking it, which is kind of odd to me, because it assumes every person is basically a lawyer.
Anyhow, the lowest I can go is a quick execution, but what these people truly deserve is being kept alive as long as possible, while being tortured. Daily. Make them feel pain like no human has ever felt before. Keep their wounds ever so slightly infected. Put a little salt in them. Break a finger. Or better yet, put some probe in their brains to administer pain at will. Make them listen to Yoko Ono for the rest of their days.
This is the mother fucking way.
"The amnesty will be me shitting in a tube taped to their mouth as their last meal before the gallows."
You have a fine sense of proportion, my friend!
"If you don't mind, we'd like to call in an expert to take a look at it."
Me and my kids would always laugh when someone came into the pawn shop (on Pawn Stars) and want a huge amount for what they had, like $100,000, and Rick would say "The best I can do is $200".
And the other hilarious episode is when the old man gave Chumlee an assignment. He wanted Chumlee to go out and get three things: a glass hammer, a bucket of steam and a left handed coffee mug.
The Germans have a saying for this: "Unwissenheit/Dummheit schützt vor Strafe nicht!"
which translates into: "Ignorance/Stupidity does not protect you from punishment!"
They use it all the time. You are supposed to know every rule. Just knowing some law exists, does not mean you will not be punished for breaking it, which is kind of odd to me, because it assumes every person is basically a lawyer.
Anyhow, the lowest I can go is a quick execution, but what these people truly deserve is being kept alive as long as possible, while being tortured. Daily. Make them feel pain like no human has ever felt before. Keep their wounds ever so slightly infected. Put a little salt in them. Break a finger. Or better yet, put some probe in their brains to administer pain at will. Make them listen to Yoko Ono for the rest of their days.
Once More With Feeling! Forgiveness is not granted without evidence of repentance-
Or as James Says: James 2: 12-13
So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.
For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.
That's my comfort zone.