I personally think we are in for some good surprises....Stay the course. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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It’s not even been 24 hours and the doomers are worming their way out all over the board. There are some seriously bitter people just itching to not be frenly to their frens.
Fair weather frens. 🤷🏼♂️
Absolutely...doomers will always doom...no matter what...fuck them and have a little faith....
I made a post to help back people off the edge in case they've been doing too many shots of doomsauce. The bad-boys.us site works better on PC since it's a VERY large infographic.
Have faith people:
Not a doomer, but feeling the doom and gloom creep over me this morning but it's this exact q post that's keeping my hope alive
No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.
We have all we need. Stay faithful, guys
guttural doooooom
Wow. That's..........um....... that's really a channel huh?
I love heavy metal. 🤘
Exactly this ! Thanks again, purkiss80.
We have got to get control of our expectations, and keep moving forward.
I think the prize right now is simply gaining back simple majorities in Congress.
What's that saying, Doomers gonna Doom?
Don't hate the Doomers, hate the apocalypse?
People in glass houses sink ships (my personal favorite)
They've been using demoralization to wear people out for so long, they still believe it works. That's why we need to use uplifting words🙏
Romans 12:21
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
Absolutely 🙏 My apologies, I wasn't trying to say demoralization is the only weapon of the enemy, it's one of many. May apologies if you felt I was writing anyone off, I didn't intend that either. I was just saying I felt they are using demoralization to tear us down, they use it often. I wanted to share that the Word says to use good to fight evil, so I shared a verse that says to use words used for edification to share grace to fight against the demoralization 🙏 thank you, God bless!
Not a doomer, but definitely feeling the doom and gloom creep over me this morning.
Frens, any words of encouragement or hope is greatly appreciated!
I have not been dooming, but some people feel beaten down. Sure there may be some shills among them, but some people are just tired. I am tired. Will continue to pray for victory.
Sums it up perfectly…
Aren't they just? And all their shadows and echoes upvote them and slide the thread into some inconsequential arguments.
I hope their earholes turn to arseholes and shit all over their shoulders.