I know there are a lot of Lin Wood fans here, but I need to be honest: In the eyes of both normies and the awake, Lin Wood is a damaged brand. He made bold accusations about Pence murdering a kid and didn't have the goods. As a lawyer, he should've known better.
The guy he interviewed went on to claim he had multiple PhD's, was a CIA counter-terrorism informant, helped bio-engineer Covid, and many other lies. I watched all of these interviews.
I know there are a lot of Lin Wood fans here, but I need to be honest: In the eyes of both normies and the awake, Lin Wood is a damaged brand. He made bold accusations about Pence murdering a kid and didn't have the goods. As a lawyer, he should've known better.
Was he ever sued for saying it?
Other than Pence, LW has only made accusations against people who are DS.
Why would the DS sue LW if he's working for them?
I can think of several reasons Pence would not sue (assuming Pence is not DS).
He brought the accuser/witness in, and interviewed the guy, and shared it all.
Before that, there were other stories linking Pence to child rape/trafficking in Indiana.
The guy he interviewed went on to claim he had multiple PhD's, was a CIA counter-terrorism informant, helped bio-engineer Covid, and many other lies. I watched all of these interviews.
How do you know they are lies? Would it be more believable if he said he worked at Arby’s?
Why doesn’t the media ever go after Pence?
Concur entirely.