WTH? Sheriff's Deputies Surround Maricopa County Tabulation Center, Perched On Roof, Barricades and Fence Set Up Around Perimete...
Maricopa County is still counting the votes from Tuesday’s botched Primary Election, and they have secured the perimeter of their tabulation center using multiple Sheriff’s deputies, fencing, and barricades around the sidewalk. The deputies are also not a...
This proves we should not back the blue openly. These Sheriffs do not think for themselves.
he is a dem
Hobbs is a career criminal, why do you think she didn’t recuse herself? This is the reason, right now.... delay and cheat, delay and cheat more.
They are all criminals bc no one MADE HER recuse herself.
Stephen Richter though - he's a caricature of himself, isn't he? hahaha
Sheriff Joe spitting nails about now.
I sure did like him
Hobbs would be eating green bologna sandwiches by now if Joe was still there.
Maybe he'll make a comeback! Is he too old? Edit: yeah, he's 90, too old.
Joe Arpaio https://g.co/kgs/2XSAr2
Sadly yes.
Frankly I’m kind of hoping this continues. The longer Hobbs/Dems/DS drag this out looking for a road to cheat, the more it just start making people curious and suspicious to what is going on. If this was a no name candidate no one would care, but being so high profile as Lake is, it’ll get attention.
They're rrreeeaallly afraid of Kari Lake by the look of it. To them Kari is like the Godzilla who has come to take over the town.
I'm assuming there are poll watchers from the GOP/Lake campaign able to watch the vote counting, otherwise this is just insane criminality. The problem the libtards have is that the lake campaign has the vote totals and the districts they came from and method collected. These votes will lean heavily towards lake except for the mail in ballots which are almost all counted now. So they are going to have an extremely difficult time pulling off a steal under these conditions without it being completely obvious.
I’m being optimistic. Maybe they are there to ensure no surprise deliveries in the middle of the night?
Im pretty sure it was similar in 2020 when I was out there protesting.
They did make it so you can't even go into the parking lot or sidewalk now though.
I'd like to believe they are there in case any arrests are necessary.
What, are they expecting patriots to reprise the Battle of Athens (which I prefer to refer to as the Liberation of Athens Tennessee)?
I've neither seen nor heard anything to suggest there is a threat of violence against their tabulation center building. Perhaps they are paranoid due to their unofficial operation that involves creating votes without voters and/or just reassigning legitimate votes to the deep state candidate?
I just don’t see them letting Kari win. They can’t. They won’t. If they have to blow up something they will do it. Kari will expose the crap out of the deepstate. Sadly I don’t see this working out with her winning. And it sucks. The DS is literally going ALL IN in stopping her. Who is there helping Kari? I hate this for her and Arizona.