New Poll Shows Trump CRUSHING DeSantis with 50 Point Lead in National Republican Primary Poll....
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Its President Trump and America First. That's it.
There was never any question of that, except in the wishful thinking in Rino heads.
Trump has proven himself as president AND was robbed of his second term (albethat part of the plan.) DeSantis has done some great things for Florida, but being a state governor is an entirely different kettle of fish than being a president. He could use more experience in that position. As for being president, DeSantis might) have his time. He's plenty young. Let Trump turn the ship around and get us into clear sailing, then DeSantis could take over.
Lot's of shills and dogbrains on Twatter today voicing support for Desantis and trashing Trump
Idiots act like the "losses" were because of Trump.
The cheating/fraud had ZERO to do with Trump.... Just shows how stupid they are....
So the Trump DeSantis saga continues.... we have past and current elections that need fixed
Anyone even pushing this divisive discussion is a paid SHILL.
Are you suggesting that I'm a Shill?
Situational awareness indicates that you’re throwing wood on a fire that is started by the enemy. Do we need to continue this discussion?
The Ultra MAGA King.
I like DeSantis. I don't know why Trump apparently is laying into him. That on the surface appears totally unnecessary and from out of nowhere. And I wonder if DeSantis could withstand the Swamp with its threats as well as its temptations.
Ego. He’s pissed. DeSantis in office getting shit done and getting screen time. Trump knows he’s the Ultra MAGA King but he’s stuck on the sidelines.
Well, they better figure it out, because we're going to need them both. We need Trump's charisma, leadership, and skill set along with DeSantis proven ability to get shit done. I think DeSantis has a more Amicable fellow Republican Party in Florida. I would hope he can work as well with the Swamp.
Got to be a good reason....
But NPR told me today that their poll has DeSantis beating Trump 48% to 36% in the General.
Trump made desantis he can destroy him just as easily
And there is your lemonade
I’m surprised it’s that high, but not surprised at all that Trump is well ahead.
If you say so...🙄