I totally understand that people are suffering and dying. We are all suffering here, but the whole "if Trump says something I don't like tonight then I'm dropping my support!" is ridiculous!
Humanity is at stake! Billions of lives are at stake! This isn't about what You want, this is about what Humanity needs.
There is a less than 1% chance that Trump would make a 2024 anouncement when anger at him is at an all time high from misguided Republicans. That's ridiculous. It won't happen! And if it does then it's part of the plan to probably see who truly supports him.
Trust the plan. The Patriots are in control. Q said trust the plan over 30 times.
This is a forum for grownups. Ultimatums and threats toward Trump are childish. He is risking himself and his family to save humanity. Have some respect!
Let's please be mature and wise, it doesn't serve us to get caught up in our emotions. We are digital soldiers! I've never seen a soldier whine before. Let's behave like loyal digital soldiers, that is what Trump and humanity needs right now. Thank you.
So many strange things in this post:
“Humanity is at stake! Billions of lives are at stake! This isn't about what You want, this is about what Humanity needs.”
Yes, which is why it’s critical we constantly evaluate where we throw our time, talents, and energy. No results? No support.
“Ultimatums and threats toward Trump are childish”
No, what is childish is continuing to ignore the mounting evidence that justice will not be administered in a timely manner, plugging our ears and closing our eyes, and lashing out at people who are making reasonable and logical arguments.
I’ve not seen one person make a threat or an ultimatum towards Trump. What I have seen is some very reasonable people create a boundary, that is for them and them alone. That’s called maturity. It doesn’t mean we’re right, it just means we have limits, and are making those limits known.
“I've never seen a soldier whine before”
Than you’ve never been in a real war.
I will be done if that is all this is
Q also said that the 2020+ elections have been safeguarded. Pushing to 2024 without addressing 2020 and 2022 is not consistent with "the plan" as written by the Q team. Call it a tantrum if you want but supporters have a right at this point to expect direction/confirmation from leadership. A 2024 announcement without anything more substantial WILL do damage to the movement, whether you like it or not.
My thoughts exactly. I'm not trying to doom, but we ARE at a critical phase for this movement, and asking everyone to hold out two more years isn't going to fly.
Demoralization is a rapidly growing factor after the last weeks "election", a factor that cannot be ignored by leadership indefinitely.
It will damage the movement, no doubt. But dropping your support because of it is bonkers.
I understand what you mean. For what it's worth, Trump has my vote regardless, but I'm afraid it won't matter by 2024 if nothing is done. We'll never win another election again.
I will find better uses for my time and energy rather than tracking deltas and hoping these criminals are brought to justice before they die of old age.
I want nothing more than the Q team to follow through on everything, I don't want the last few years to be a waste, but I can't reconcile "the plan" if 2022 is left to stand.
If something doesn't happen pretty soon, I'm ordering my Mao shirts before they run out of my size.
I am already done with republican and democrats. Liberals just piss me off. I don't trust any of our government. My taxes are going to programs I don't believe in, apparently are not supporting ukraine but instead I have been funding the democrat party. The only way to eliminate bad players is to remove the money. As long as we pay taxes the uniparty will continue to rape us.
We need to be figuring out how to legally not pay taxes or abolish the tax code.
Well said Fren. Lets keep our spirits high. Patience pays off.
One things for certain. I'll be tuning in at 9pm est to see what the man has to say.
You gotta admit, he knows how to pull in views.
We are all just nervous, because we know what's at stake... There is no other alternative plans out there really, we need to be ready for our part in this...
i hope if he does announce he is running ..i hope its at the end after he drops the goods....then at the end say oh btw i am running again ...how do you like me now bitches...........now that would be awesome
Q said the end won't be for everyone. We find out who's really who now? The fakers and the real? The choice is yours to know.
!UW.yye1fxo ID: 87df69 No.351447 📁 Feb 12 2018 11:50:26 (EST)
Anonymous ID: a4bb61 No.351343 📁 Feb 12 2018 11:44:06 (EST)
controlling the crops, controls the people (sheep) (might be reaching, but throwing it out there)
351343 Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?
Sound familiar?
Wonder where they derived that idea from.
Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.
Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.
Your not the only one>>>https://youtu.be/_EZI4IZd9oE
Thank you.
At GA.W we recognize this as dooming / shilling.
If you see them, click...
....... deport \/
I wasn't sure if that counted as dooming, I am delighted to start deporting them.
Good to know. I will.