I have spent the last 6 years...
Being Called "Crazy".
Watching my country Divide.
Giving thousands of hours to research and information sharing.
Nuking Normie Brains with TruthBombs.
Losing more and more trust in qualified leadership.
Watching myself and my children be subjected to extremely harmful levels of state sponsored propaganda, and for 2 of those years having to watch the school system force face diapers on my kids.
Stacking physical gold and silver.
Building the perfect bugout bag.
Deprogramming as much of my family as possible.
Eating Popcorn.
Enjoying The Show.
Watching the entire shithouse go up in flames.
Watching DemonRats lose their marbles in front of the entire world.
Listening to fake and ghey racism bologna.
Hearing how as a straight white Christian male, I am the problem.
Watching illegals pour over the border of my country making my country worth less and less as more and more come over and wreck our economy.
Watching my taxes go to things I don't support.
Learning Exponentially.
Praying for The Children.
Wanting Justice....
And I'll be damned, if I'm going to let the last six years be a waste of my damn life due to the outcome of one fakkin Speech!!!
I don't care if DJT gets up there and specially announces that his favorite color has changed from magenta to cerulean!!! I don't care if he announces Baron impregnated his girlfriend!!!
He may not say the words I would like to hear tonight.
But that doesn't mean that I'm going to quit fighting. There is no other alternative.
Give Me Liberty!!!
Or Give Me DEATH!!!!
Since he’s been campaigning and especially since he told HRC « because you’d be in jail », I have actively followed him, even though I am not American… but with 3 nationalites, 2 by blood, 1 by work, I guess I am proto-American anyway.
Donald Trump changed my life for the better, I am NOT failing him. Never.
Great story frien
Love you all, Frens. GAW is my surrogate Family in God.🙏🏻
you are a true patriot.
Just a wannabe but I will keep being on your side, Fren.
Thanks for all you do, penisse o7.
I am doing it for you, so thank you for keeping me motivated and focused.
Amen. He had no need to do any of it. He lost money, his whole family attacked and put in danger, freak witches gunning for him, actual assassination attempts... Just trying to keep the world from killing itself, and helping his country get back to where it should be.
And you, pede, you are American in spirit, which is what we all are, and we are what make it greater than anyplace else in history.
Thanks Fren, I wish I could be more of a Lafayette to you all, Frens.🙏🏻
Doesnt matter you're one of us.
Love you too friend.
Thank you.🤗♥️🙏🏻
We honestly have this flag outside our house.