Chances are younger people "voted" due to ballot harvesting. Younger people do not turn out. They probably "registered" as many names in the demographic as they could, harvested their votes (because walking to a mailbox is hard), and claimed victory regardless of any laws against the practice.
I find it funny that the $10K Biden promised to anyone with college loans was thrown out, what was it, 2 days after the election? All the media needed was the headline ... they could claim that it was that $10K that turned out the "younger people" vote. There's no way we will ever know.
Yep, in reality they voted less than they did in 2018. What likely happened was because they bombarded these kids with voter registration they relied on most of them registering just to be left alone but being too lazy to actually vote so they could steal their ballots afterwards.
The MSM governmedia have been pushing the idea of "the youth vote" since the Sixties. The presumption has always been that anyone under 30 automatically votes Hard Left.
It's not true, but when has that ever stopped them?
They were also saying that the poison jab was safe and effective, and that covid is not over etal.
They lie nonstop to cover their masters asses. This time it is to cover up the election cheating. Next time it will be something else they don't want the sheeple to know.
Mockingbird Media might want to LAWYER UP…
they will claim anything stopped the wave next it will be little green men
What they're really saying is "We stole the youth vote."
Chances are younger people "voted" due to ballot harvesting. Younger people do not turn out. They probably "registered" as many names in the demographic as they could, harvested their votes (because walking to a mailbox is hard), and claimed victory regardless of any laws against the practice.
I find it funny that the $10K Biden promised to anyone with college loans was thrown out, what was it, 2 days after the election? All the media needed was the headline ... they could claim that it was that $10K that turned out the "younger people" vote. There's no way we will ever know.
Yep, in reality they voted less than they did in 2018. What likely happened was because they bombarded these kids with voter registration they relied on most of them registering just to be left alone but being too lazy to actually vote so they could steal their ballots afterwards.
The MSM governmedia have been pushing the idea of "the youth vote" since the Sixties. The presumption has always been that anyone under 30 automatically votes Hard Left.
It's not true, but when has that ever stopped them?
Studio Version:
I didn't think "youths" voted at all. I'm talking about criminals whom the media refer to as "youths" so as to not mention their complexions.
They stole their votes bc they don’t show up to the polls.
I doubt it. Especially if that's the line the media is putting out there.
I talk to young people all the time. Most are pissed off and they know what's going on.
They were also saying that the poison jab was safe and effective, and that covid is not over etal.
They lie nonstop to cover their masters asses. This time it is to cover up the election cheating. Next time it will be something else they don't want the sheeple to know.