Announcementfagging: trump now has access to Twitter again. Musk has bought Twitter against its creator, the CIA, Musk has quickly booted out many bad apple censors and bots. Musk seems able to implement new code very fast (Anti-pedo), and he has Starlink. Biggest chess move in a long time.
🔍 Notable
Well I don't think Musk controls any of this. This is the White Hats in control and they will use him and Twitter to red pill etc...just as they will use the MSM when the time is right. Remember this is a movie and we are watching it play out, not for us who are awake, but for the ones who still need waking up!
Yup, I have a feeling we will learn a lot more in the near future. I don't like Musk and the Cabal thing, but as a Christian I look back to when God changed hearts and minds or otherwise compelled bad people to do as He wants them to. Heck Trump could be the Antichrist in some views, he still backs the jab. I choose to think that both Trump and Musk will do what God wants.
I like computer science, but don't want a chip, that's certain. Its amazing, the variety of conspiracy's on this site. Many true and many not.
It was never stated who would make that tweet. Could be Trump, could be the actor playing Biden, but my theory is every single twatter account will post it.
FYI, Musk is deepstate too. Not sure what the plan is but it is probably NSA -v- CIA and neither are interested in saving America, they are fighting over the carcass.
Lets hope not, but the Demons and RINOs seem to have waged a similar war with the Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama thing, on the same team, but playing tug-of-war.
I've read exposes on Elon Musk that aren't flattering and are IMV rather alarming. Read the exposes on Elon Musk and his family. There's far more to him than his PR campaign. Miles Mattis has provided a very interesting expose on Musk. Some suggest Elon is the great deceiver that ushers in the Beast System. I'm not necessarily convinced by this, but I do acknowledge there's many questions concerning Musk. IMHO, I don't believe he accepts Jesus as Christ.
There's still so many possibilities. Does Q say good guys will end up being bad guys and bad guys will end up being good guys? And what about the possibility that Musk recently (2-3 years ago) flipped?
What evidence is there of this. We're speculating big time with Musk. One can only discern someone by their past history. So far it's been very ambiguous and this to me is not passing the smell test.
Maybe Trump and the white hats have something on Musk that’s making him to work with them.
We could also say 'maybe not'. To me there's way too much speculating about this guy. Ye shall know them by their fruits. It's a very mixed batch.
Yes, I have seen some of that, but will deffinately see more. His mother had the black eye thing...
I wouldn't say tug-of-war, more like a magician, pay no attention to what my right hand is doing, but look at my left hand moving, then they reversed it.
Good analogy.
As fast as things rolled in the first week, you know it had to be planned for a while. The coding, keeping all running while firing thousands. This was eQuivalent to the D-Day invasion of Europe and the planning was just MORE precise!
Yup, Musks people, or Q's people seem to be up-to-speed on Twitter code. It takes time. Programming is harder on the brain than Biden thinks.