If anyone has grade skoδl kids, see if you can grab a copy of Scholastic Nooz.
Nowadays they are on a Ukraine indoctrination spree, but my youngest had to endure their woke CRT agenda, constantly celebrating strong girls, seldom a photo or article about a regular white kid and the importance of va☠☠ines.
Oh stop. There are plenty of people who cannot just pull their children. Not everyone has the finances and support system to make homeschooling happen.
The schools belong to us. You retreated from the battle field.
I believe many more can take their children out of the indoctrination camp. I've known homeschoolers who worked opposite shifts, and cut budgets to the bone. Can everyone do that? No, but many, many can and do.
I pulled mine any put them in Christian school. The battlefield where I am is lost. The whole schoolboard is woketards and at the schoolboard meetings, you can try to speak, but there's too many woke parents booing and shouting you down while you're speaking and no board members call for order so you can be heard. It's a fucking travesty and they think they are doing something good for the world by doing all of this. I'm not moving but the school problem isn't getting fixed anytime soon. I know I sound like a quitter but there is no traction in that arena at the moment.
I wouldn't be using my kids as canon fodder to fight the schools. Public schools don't teach shit, and it's been proven time and time again home schooled kids get a much better education.
You keep assuming the worst about me. What's your issue? The first attack on how I spend my time and money didn't land so now you assume I use my kids as fodder?
We are going to take up space in these public places, not hide away. You can go hide. Bye.
When teacher talks about evolution, my boys ask questions that poke holes in teacher's lesson. "So the idea is that something came from nothing?"
The children in that classroom might not otherwise hear a counterpoint. I get it, your children don't want to be that voice. We all get to choose if we are going to act or stay silent and hidden. My boys ask to go and they can handle being a light in the darkness. They appreciate the intellectual challenge of being around people who do not share the exact same ideas.
As far as education goes, I can teach my children anything you teach your children when they come home from school. The information age is upon us. Much of what my kids learned at school has been fine because they go to a public Montessori. The ideas we disagree with will come up and oh hey look, an opportunity to ask questions and learn.
Homeschooled kids do not ALWAYS receive a better education.
The children with INVOLVED parents get a better education.
We are very involved.
And this is all aside from my original point which is NOT EVERYONE can afford to homeschool their children no matter how much penny pinching happens. Talking from a place of privilege and saying "no one has any excuse" is not in line with REALITY.
This has been true since "education" became a formal system and not just parents teaching their children the 3 R's (reading, writing, and arithmetic, AKA our forms of communication).
Having said that, back when people learned the 3 R's, books were the primary form of indoctrination, all written by The Elite with Cabal social control programs built in.
Fuck the brass section. I was a drummer starting in 7th grade. These assholes unlike those who use chewing tobacco dont spit in a cup their spit collects in the instruments and then they empty them on the floor whether its carpet or wood in this picture.
To a degree. Reed instruments you normally have to put your lips over your bottom teeth when blowing. Brass players are pretty much giving a raspberry effect for how ever long they play.
See how they laid the groundwork with phrases like "New Normal"???
Mental heath means agreeing with all of that, obviously.
If anyone has grade skoδl kids, see if you can grab a copy of Scholastic Nooz.
Nowadays they are on a Ukraine indoctrination spree, but my youngest had to endure their woke CRT agenda, constantly celebrating strong girls, seldom a photo or article about a regular white kid and the importance of va☠☠ines.
There is zero excuses why anyone's kids are still in public schools!!
Oh stop. There are plenty of people who cannot just pull their children. Not everyone has the finances and support system to make homeschooling happen.
The schools belong to us. You retreated from the battle field.
I believe many more can take their children out of the indoctrination camp. I've known homeschoolers who worked opposite shifts, and cut budgets to the bone. Can everyone do that? No, but many, many can and do.
I pulled mine any put them in Christian school. The battlefield where I am is lost. The whole schoolboard is woketards and at the schoolboard meetings, you can try to speak, but there's too many woke parents booing and shouting you down while you're speaking and no board members call for order so you can be heard. It's a fucking travesty and they think they are doing something good for the world by doing all of this. I'm not moving but the school problem isn't getting fixed anytime soon. I know I sound like a quitter but there is no traction in that arena at the moment.
I wouldn't be using my kids as canon fodder to fight the schools. Public schools don't teach shit, and it's been proven time and time again home schooled kids get a much better education.
You keep assuming the worst about me. What's your issue? The first attack on how I spend my time and money didn't land so now you assume I use my kids as fodder?
We are going to take up space in these public places, not hide away. You can go hide. Bye.
When teacher talks about evolution, my boys ask questions that poke holes in teacher's lesson. "So the idea is that something came from nothing?"
The children in that classroom might not otherwise hear a counterpoint. I get it, your children don't want to be that voice. We all get to choose if we are going to act or stay silent and hidden. My boys ask to go and they can handle being a light in the darkness. They appreciate the intellectual challenge of being around people who do not share the exact same ideas.
As far as education goes, I can teach my children anything you teach your children when they come home from school. The information age is upon us. Much of what my kids learned at school has been fine because they go to a public Montessori. The ideas we disagree with will come up and oh hey look, an opportunity to ask questions and learn.
Homeschooled kids do not ALWAYS receive a better education.
The children with INVOLVED parents get a better education.
We are very involved.
And this is all aside from my original point which is NOT EVERYONE can afford to homeschool their children no matter how much penny pinching happens. Talking from a place of privilege and saying "no one has any excuse" is not in line with REALITY.
I prefer to live in REALITY.
I've never been on vacation and I don't even own a phone. You have no idea what you're talking about.
This has been true since "education" became a formal system and not just parents teaching their children the 3 R's (reading, writing, and arithmetic, AKA our forms of communication).
Having said that, back when people learned the 3 R's, books were the primary form of indoctrination, all written by The Elite with Cabal social control programs built in.
So not really any different.
This has been going on for a very long time.
Fuck the brass section. I was a drummer starting in 7th grade. These assholes unlike those who use chewing tobacco dont spit in a cup their spit collects in the instruments and then they empty them on the floor whether its carpet or wood in this picture.
ew. i never thought of that before. ew.
Don't woodwind instruments have the same problem?
There was a guy in my school who would spit chewing tobacco in his saxophone during band class. I guess that makes him a double asshole.
To a degree. Reed instruments you normally have to put your lips over your bottom teeth when blowing. Brass players are pretty much giving a raspberry effect for how ever long they play.
That's Alice in I pet goat ii...