Its painful to watch idiots like Russ struggle with life. Its like they don’t understand the concept of deception, and presume it never happens to them (because they are too smart to be lied to?)
Russ doesn’t understand that “Alex Jones” is basically a crisis actor himself, and his “admissions” are only a pathetic attempt by the deep state to keep a lid on the Sandy Hook hoax
Crisis actors has a lot of tweets, could possible become a trending topic with some help…
I had seen what I thought were all the documentaries on Sandy Hook presenting all the evidence, and I was 70/30 leaning towards hoax...that is...until I saw this documentary a few weeks ago:
Now I'm 100% convinced it was a covert op.
I was always 100, this is a short but sweet vid thanks.
Just look at the pictures that they released...... THERE WAS MOLD growing around the doors and walls........ THIS AT AN ELITE SCHOOL>>>>>>>>>
AJ never did discovery............why? He's a plant to make anyone who questions a loon.
Ah yes, Sandy Hook. The only place on earth that one man, Robbie Parker, can blow through all the stages of grief in 1 day.
Anybody ever wonder why about 200 homes around Sandy Hook Elementary school were suddenly paid off and recorded on Christmas Day?
Las Vegas Shooting: shooter disabled smoke and heat sensors to avoid setting off alarms! Hotel fire detection systems are all hard wired to a central station. The central station would signal when a sensor is disabled. There are also sensors in the plenum which could not be accessed. That story is total BS but it gets better. The hotel is located adjacent to the Las Vegas Airport (McCarren). The airport was never shut down and arrivals /departures were able to occur. The airport officials were aware of some sort of shooting and atc, at one point, mentioned that they thought the shooter was on airport property. Had this been a real event, the airport would have diverted inbounds and ground stopped out bounds to evacuate. Who at the airport knew it was a BS event? The hotel also sits next to the super secret Janet terminal which provides transportation to the non existent Area 51. There are camera all over the place yet not a single image. That brings up another point regarding bullshit events. 9/11. How come we never saw any images from tourists who went to the observation deck of the Empire State Building? It was open at the time of the “plane” crash. Everyone who goes to the observation deck has a camera and nobody thought it was odd watching an airliner blow by below you at 500 mph.
baal shit
Event: Pulse Nightclub Shooting Participant: Christopher Hansen. Role: Hero / Media contact Real Name: Bjorn Jiskoot Jr. Occupation: actor
Sandy Hoax 100% fake
Crisis crisis actors... It makes 0 difference.
My theory? The children died, the parents were real. Parents may have been paid off to shut up and accept the official narrative maybe (but not so important here). The meat and potatoes: The shooters were likely from an alphabet agency. Adam Lanza (supposed shooter) never actually existed. Looking through his family lineage, his parents have gone under several aliases (common amongst intelligence assets), and their only son on file is Ryan Lanza. There is apparently only one picture of Adam Lanza in existence - terrible quality, giving the crazy eyed look, looks strikingly similar to other pictures of Ryan Lanza.
David Hogg, meet Adam Lanza:
It makes 100% difference if they are crisis actors lol. What kind of logic is that?
if there was justice, every bit of the billions in damages caused by BLM riots would be chased up the chain to House democrats who incited the actual riots.
Just like Alex Jones is paying for the sins of those that took his message too far.
All false flag shootings are fake and no one dies unless it is a sacrifice. Otherwise it's all fake.
Is that what happened to ashley babbit? Sacrifice? Ive seen the video. I think that was fake too.
Yea I don't think that person was real. As in the identity. The video looked ridiculous and her families response was similar to the hoax actors. Plus, that BLM kid "just happened" to be there filming the whole thing.
All fake.
If he goofed it that badly....
Flase Flag Operations HAPPEN, People are MURDERED! That is not what makes it a false flag operation. Just like Uvalde, and Broward County. The police step back and let this shit unfurl however it might, it is one or a few of their own pulling the triggers. Then they get some patsy to take the fall and blame it on some weird concept the "perpetrator" had to commit the crime. (That is the False Flag, the "SUSPECT" and their "REASON".) Pay off a few people that were willing to off one of their children for a fat pay day, yes they do exist and are more common that you might want to know.
So, Sandy Hook happened, like all of the shootings do, but who was pulling the trigger and why was a lie to get us to feel more dependent on the police for our own safety. Wonder why they use this model to remove guns when if everyone had a gun far fewer people would have died..... They only way you will accept them is if you feel like you need them.
Crisis actors were also used for interviews. Generally, these people are not present but claim to have been to give their view on what needs to be done with the emotional string pulling necessary to change minds. David Hogg rings that bell the best.
I for one am interested in the claims that Sandy Hook had been closed for years before the shooting and why they demolished it before a full investigation could have been conducted.
There is also the fact that the state legislators had passed a law that would seal evidence of any homicide before this happened.
This onion stinks.
If anyone still lives there it is time to move!