They manipulated gold and silver and have been for decades. That's how Nixon took us onto FIAT.
They're doing the same thing with crypto to usher in a CBDC
All the hard honest earned wealth that was lost or stolen. The sooner the Banksters are all jailed or hung. The sooner the Nations can rebuild their collective lives and wealth together.
"They cast their silver into the streets, and their gold is like an unclean thing. Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. They cannot satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it. For it was the stumbling block of their iniquity." Ezekiel 7:19
All this is saying is that we shouldn't value metal over God. Matthew 19:24 - "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God".
I'll still value metals over the fake currency fiat petrodollar. Metals are honest money, God's money. That's what we need to get back to.
Yeah if anything I think Genesis was mocking gold and any kind of money. Nice gold pile you collected all your life, it all belongs to me anyway and you thought it was all yours? Fool. I'm the only one who can keep the gold forever anyway
Thats actually an interesting question. Coz gold is quite a soft metal... hmmm, I would like to see that now regardless haha. Think it would melt?
As angelcole says, a healthy amount of both seems to be a good idea haha
Also Bitcoin isn't Bitcoin. Central bankers captured/hired all the devs and have been directing it since 2017, disabling planned features and basically making it useless for anything other than speculating.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) forked the project and kept the original ethos alive, and it became one of the most heavily vilified coins for it.
Hitching this on to this post so that more people see this!
I would argue that the takeover was much earlier than 2017. In 2013 Gavin Andresen went to Langley to talk with the CIA about Bitcoin. Not long after (in 2014) Blockstream (A very CIA-y name, I might add) came onto the scene and became a core part of the development group, eventually becoming the main (group of) developer(s) as Gavin set aside his lead developer role to work on the Bitcoin Foundation. Around this same time (end of 2014 - 2015) Blockstream became the lead committer and in conjunction with that, Jamie Dimon spoke at the WEF (from 2014 and on) numerous times about Bitcoin and how he predicts that the end-result of Bitcoin is a payment system much like what he have had up until now (read: under banker control, in addition to the CBDC push we are seeing now, this was from 2014!).
Then skip up to 2017 we have the Blocksize War, the result of the blocksize stranglehold Blockstream permitted and actively advocated for.
See, Bitcoin wasn't a creation of TPTB, but it was co-opted and broken into this Frankenstein of a system. We can see that it happened rather early in Bitcoin's life with Gavin, (!speculation!) who was probably given an ultimatum after visiting Langley to develop Bitcoin the way they wanted it. He didn't want to capitulate but he also didn't want to bring harm to his family and so he handed off the commit keys to Blockstream in the end (/!speculation!).
It was supposed to be more than a numbers-go-up ponzi scheme, it was supposed to be CASH, and Bitcoin is still alive today as CASH, Bitcoin Cash.
WATCH THIS! They took over Bitcoin to sell us a solution to a problem that they created! Where has this happened before? Who operates under this premise? We Anons know!
Bitcoin is sketchy as hell. And I'm a huge crypto nerd. If you critically and honestly think about all the claims made about it being better than fiat, it doesn't make sense. So what if there's only 21m supply if it can divide almost infinitely? And when that happens, a single Bitcoin inflates vastly in value. How does Bitcoin solve inflation? Imagine the whole world on Bitcoin. Cool. Now imagine owning 1000 Bitcoin in this world, you're a God. It's actually got runaway inflation built into it.
The original design of Bitcoin destroys all the scam models of the fed - no central authority, private keys to spend funds, predetermined inflation rate, decentralized issuance.
Only people who haven't studied Bitcoin history believe the fed created it.
HOWEVER as I've said elsewhere, there was a hostile takeover of the crypto space around 2015-2017 and since then the Bilderbergs have had control of Bitcoin development.
You don't understand inflation. Inflation is just adding to the currency supply. The 21m bitcoins will not be completely mined until around the year 2140. After that there will be no more inflation, ever. The value of 0.000001 BTC may be the equivalent of $1,000,000 in today's fiat terms, but that is not inflation. Actually it's deflation because every little bit will go further and as time goes on, supply will dwindle lower and lower driving the value up even further.
Uganda "supposedly" found massive gold deposits in their country. I personally don't believe it, but even if it was half of the amount they stated, it still doesn't matter one iota to me - still buying precious metals. Mines take years to get up and producing anyway. The world will need more metal if we're going back to a bimetalic standard anyway.
It's a plebbit tier take that has as much merit as mining asteroids has. It's also entirely believable that the Cabal has hidden metal deposits from us as well. Still doesn't change my outlook.
Pretty dry but hard to disagree with the sentiment, people lost everything on Luna and of course we all know about FTX. I still love me some decentralized completely private Monero/XMR though.
They manipulated gold and silver and have been for decades. That's how Nixon took us onto FIAT. They're doing the same thing with crypto to usher in a CBDC
All the hard honest earned wealth that was lost or stolen. The sooner the Banksters are all jailed or hung. The sooner the Nations can rebuild their collective lives and wealth together.
That's the way of it. The DS institutionalized monetary scams, then installed leaders to force people into their scams.
Well summarized.
Gold and silver are just as fake.
What makes money valuable is that people value it. Period.
You can't buy eggs with all the gold in the world if people would rather have eggs than gold.
Try again.
The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. -Haggai 2:8
Name me any other form of currency that's been around since Genesis.
You can't buy eggs with gold? So you can't exchange gold for currency? Who knew.
"They cast their silver into the streets, and their gold is like an unclean thing. Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. They cannot satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it. For it was the stumbling block of their iniquity." Ezekiel 7:19
All this is saying is that we shouldn't value metal over God. Matthew 19:24 - "easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God".
I'll still value metals over the fake currency fiat petrodollar. Metals are honest money, God's money. That's what we need to get back to.
Yeah if anything I think Genesis was mocking gold and any kind of money. Nice gold pile you collected all your life, it all belongs to me anyway and you thought it was all yours? Fool. I'm the only one who can keep the gold forever anyway
Feels like lead can free you of your gold or silver... lead therefore is more valuable
Well, come on now, you can own lots of both.😏
I mean you aren't wrong lol legitimately got me there :)
Thats actually an interesting question. Coz gold is quite a soft metal... hmmm, I would like to see that now regardless haha. Think it would melt? As angelcole says, a healthy amount of both seems to be a good idea haha
– Me, just now
I like precious metals but a nice gun seems to hold its value regardless of currency, too.
Also Bitcoin isn't Bitcoin. Central bankers captured/hired all the devs and have been directing it since 2017, disabling planned features and basically making it useless for anything other than speculating.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) forked the project and kept the original ethos alive, and it became one of the most heavily vilified coins for it.
Hitching this on to this post so that more people see this!
I would argue that the takeover was much earlier than 2017. In 2013 Gavin Andresen went to Langley to talk with the CIA about Bitcoin. Not long after (in 2014) Blockstream (A very CIA-y name, I might add) came onto the scene and became a core part of the development group, eventually becoming the main (group of) developer(s) as Gavin set aside his lead developer role to work on the Bitcoin Foundation. Around this same time (end of 2014 - 2015) Blockstream became the lead committer and in conjunction with that, Jamie Dimon spoke at the WEF (from 2014 and on) numerous times about Bitcoin and how he predicts that the end-result of Bitcoin is a payment system much like what he have had up until now (read: under banker control, in addition to the CBDC push we are seeing now, this was from 2014!).
Then skip up to 2017 we have the Blocksize War, the result of the blocksize stranglehold Blockstream permitted and actively advocated for.
See, Bitcoin wasn't a creation of TPTB, but it was co-opted and broken into this Frankenstein of a system. We can see that it happened rather early in Bitcoin's life with Gavin, (!speculation!) who was probably given an ultimatum after visiting Langley to develop Bitcoin the way they wanted it. He didn't want to capitulate but he also didn't want to bring harm to his family and so he handed off the commit keys to Blockstream in the end (/!speculation!).
It was supposed to be more than a numbers-go-up ponzi scheme, it was supposed to be CASH, and Bitcoin is still alive today as CASH, Bitcoin Cash.
WATCH THIS! They took over Bitcoin to sell us a solution to a problem that they created! Where has this happened before? Who operates under this premise? We Anons know!
Bitcoin is sketchy as hell. And I'm a huge crypto nerd. If you critically and honestly think about all the claims made about it being better than fiat, it doesn't make sense. So what if there's only 21m supply if it can divide almost infinitely? And when that happens, a single Bitcoin inflates vastly in value. How does Bitcoin solve inflation? Imagine the whole world on Bitcoin. Cool. Now imagine owning 1000 Bitcoin in this world, you're a God. It's actually got runaway inflation built into it.
Makes me think the whole thing was actually invented by the FED and CIA to begin with
Read the original whitepaper and then tell me the fed created it.
The original design of Bitcoin destroys all the scam models of the fed - no central authority, private keys to spend funds, predetermined inflation rate, decentralized issuance.
Only people who haven't studied Bitcoin history believe the fed created it.
HOWEVER as I've said elsewhere, there was a hostile takeover of the crypto space around 2015-2017 and since then the Bilderbergs have had control of Bitcoin development.
Inflation is just adding more currency supply. Price/value is a secondary effect of this.
You don't understand inflation. Inflation is just adding to the currency supply. The 21m bitcoins will not be completely mined until around the year 2140. After that there will be no more inflation, ever. The value of 0.000001 BTC may be the equivalent of $1,000,000 in today's fiat terms, but that is not inflation. Actually it's deflation because every little bit will go further and as time goes on, supply will dwindle lower and lower driving the value up even further.
Every time I see thi by s about crypto I hear the Pac-Man dying WAH Wah wah. Game over.
Just bought a bunch more silver. It's been a while but figured things are heating up so now is a good time.
Didnt they find a massive gold deposit effectively adding to the total supply and devaluing gold?
I think that was votes. They found crates of "ballots", effectively devaluing voting.
Haha good one :)
Uganda "supposedly" found massive gold deposits in their country. I personally don't believe it, but even if it was half of the amount they stated, it still doesn't matter one iota to me - still buying precious metals. Mines take years to get up and producing anyway. The world will need more metal if we're going back to a bimetalic standard anyway.
It's a plebbit tier take that has as much merit as mining asteroids has. It's also entirely believable that the Cabal has hidden metal deposits from us as well. Still doesn't change my outlook.
Startpage search
Fair points. Yeah I have a sneaking suspicion they know where some are but won't share that obviously kinda thing.
Pretty dry but hard to disagree with the sentiment, people lost everything on Luna and of course we all know about FTX. I still love me some decentralized completely private Monero/XMR though.