They don't have any idea how to run their own personal finances, let alone a business. I know so many people who get along by just running up their credit-card debt to ever-greater heights and buying, buying, buying everything that strikes their fancy without ever giving a thought to living within a budget.
Heh heh, I tried and failed at a few businesses, but didn't spend a lot learning its not easy. At least I'm decent at my day-to-day budgeting. Retired early, but now back working.
They don't have any idea how to run their own personal finances, let alone a business. I know so many people who get along by just running up their credit-card debt to ever-greater heights and buying, buying, buying everything that strikes their fancy without ever giving a thought to living within a budget.
I feel attacked
Heh heh, I tried and failed at a few businesses, but didn't spend a lot learning its not easy. At least I'm decent at my day-to-day budgeting. Retired early, but now back working.