I'm sorry but I don't understand how this is relevant to digital currency. Right now the banks have 10 or 11 weeks to get digital currency up and running. The dollar bill will be no more. All purchases will have be made with a debit or credit card. It sure looks like banks are going to eventually become obsolete. NO more garage sales, no more having the neighbor kid mowing the lawn unless it's with a debit card and it damn well better be legal. (minimum wage). Brandon signed the law last January. sorry forgot the number of the EO.
Sounds like someone hasn’t been accumulating any physical money. Sure CBDC will come inevitably but if you have physical money you will be able to still make private transactions. Gold and silver is a big FU to digital currency.
I have plenty of physical money as if it's any of your business. Private transactions? like underground $$. You go right ahead and one of those 87K IRS agents just might have to look you up.
Just have to find another means to do things. Will be tough since most companies that people work for will probably be told they have to, and none of them are probably aware of it. Other than that dont know. Not sure how shaving parts of gold or silver will really do anything either. As soon as you use it im sure gov will come in and take it out of circulation.
example of things to come- I had a charge on my credit card that I wanted to dispute. I noticed that the companies that charge my card "used to" have their phone numbers on the statement so that I can dispute it with them but NOW there are no phone numbers and if i want to dispute the item then they have to issue me a new credit card with a new number. They do Not want to do any work to help the customer. That's Citibank. I used to use my debit card for recurring monthly charges but I cancelled my gym membership and it took 6 months for it to stop. Nothing I could do except to close that account and open another. Just a little sample of things to come. Saying nothing about their control over our money.
Guess the only other option is that the EO gets over ruled just like the student forgiveness loan. Only congress is allowed to issue money. Executive order cant. Since the fed does it that itself is against the constitution. Hopefully some lawyers have paperwork waiting to file when it goes into effect Dec 3. Right now they are just doing a “test”, which should be pretty oblivious based off the FTX results. Another thing people can do is bet that some companies are going plummet and take a bet on that and rake in some money to then transfer to gold. “Shrug” im stocked on food. Have gear for hunting and fishing. Unless their gonna heat track people who are wondering around in the woods you can just say good buy to the current world.
Laws go through Congress and are signed by a President, or they are vetoed and Congress can attempt to pass with a veto-proof majority without his signature.
An Executive Order is only for the Executive Branch, and can be rescinded at any time by the current or subsequent President. It is literally a directive issued by the President to the Executive branch of government.
If the doc Brandon signed was in fact a bill that was passed by both bodies of Congress and signed by him then it is a law and can be enforced. If it is only an EO he can try to enforce it but only the Executive branch agencies are required to follow it. In either case it can still be reviewed and overturned by the courts.
Thank you all so much for the responses! Things to ponder. Sometimes i do too much of that. But the responses have already lowered my concerns. Thanks!
I'm sorry but I don't understand how this is relevant to digital currency. Right now the banks have 10 or 11 weeks to get digital currency up and running. The dollar bill will be no more. All purchases will have be made with a debit or credit card. It sure looks like banks are going to eventually become obsolete. NO more garage sales, no more having the neighbor kid mowing the lawn unless it's with a debit card and it damn well better be legal. (minimum wage). Brandon signed the law last January. sorry forgot the number of the EO.
Sounds like someone hasn’t been accumulating any physical money. Sure CBDC will come inevitably but if you have physical money you will be able to still make private transactions. Gold and silver is a big FU to digital currency.
Who determines what metals are worth?
I have plenty of physical money as if it's any of your business. Private transactions? like underground $$. You go right ahead and one of those 87K IRS agents just might have to look you up.
Just have to find another means to do things. Will be tough since most companies that people work for will probably be told they have to, and none of them are probably aware of it. Other than that dont know. Not sure how shaving parts of gold or silver will really do anything either. As soon as you use it im sure gov will come in and take it out of circulation.
example of things to come- I had a charge on my credit card that I wanted to dispute. I noticed that the companies that charge my card "used to" have their phone numbers on the statement so that I can dispute it with them but NOW there are no phone numbers and if i want to dispute the item then they have to issue me a new credit card with a new number. They do Not want to do any work to help the customer. That's Citibank. I used to use my debit card for recurring monthly charges but I cancelled my gym membership and it took 6 months for it to stop. Nothing I could do except to close that account and open another. Just a little sample of things to come. Saying nothing about their control over our money.
Sorry to hear that. Thanks for sharing the advice.
Guess the only other option is that the EO gets over ruled just like the student forgiveness loan. Only congress is allowed to issue money. Executive order cant. Since the fed does it that itself is against the constitution. Hopefully some lawyers have paperwork waiting to file when it goes into effect Dec 3. Right now they are just doing a “test”, which should be pretty oblivious based off the FTX results. Another thing people can do is bet that some companies are going plummet and take a bet on that and rake in some money to then transfer to gold. “Shrug” im stocked on food. Have gear for hunting and fishing. Unless their gonna heat track people who are wondering around in the woods you can just say good buy to the current world.
An EO != a Law.
Laws go through Congress and are signed by a President, or they are vetoed and Congress can attempt to pass with a veto-proof majority without his signature.
An Executive Order is only for the Executive Branch, and can be rescinded at any time by the current or subsequent President. It is literally a directive issued by the President to the Executive branch of government.
If the doc Brandon signed was in fact a bill that was passed by both bodies of Congress and signed by him then it is a law and can be enforced. If it is only an EO he can try to enforce it but only the Executive branch agencies are required to follow it. In either case it can still be reviewed and overturned by the courts.
Executive orders are law by proxy.
The only evidence needed was what happened during the pandemic and with vaccines.
Thank you all so much for the responses! Things to ponder. Sometimes i do too much of that. But the responses have already lowered my concerns. Thanks!