310 When Q uses the word Ascension in a drop... (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by VERITASAEQUITAS 2 years ago by VERITASAEQUITAS +318 / -8 185 comments share 185 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Flat Earth, lazor beams brought down the towers, muh hologram planes, muh fake moon landing, muh all vaccines bad.
I mean if some vaccines are bad, is it so ridiculous to be skeptical of the rest? Comparing us anti-vaxxers to flat chesters...c'mon man!
One mostly-irrelevant thing I hope we learn someday is exactly which vaccines were not bad. "NOT ALL" as Q said.
But the moon landing was obviously faked. This realization was key in my comprehension of the scale of the lies the public has been fed.
"False, moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of public domain."
The moon landing was 100% real. They discovered glass domes and pyramids up there too.