Thread by @Athan_K on Thread Reader App
@Athan_K: When it comes to ballot harvesting, Pennsylvania’s Delaware County is not only the undisputed leader in Pennsylvania but possibly the nation. Let me explain. ?(1/32) Here are charts graphing each of Pennsyl...…
Mastriano beat Shapiro by 70,000 in person votes day-of... that's using the voting machines... and ppl are honestly thinking fetterman and little josh won...
I freaking hate this rotten cheating state.
And that's the applications/returns... I worked the polls that day, in that county, and I can tell you that a significant % of people came in claiming that they never got their mail-in ballots after requesting them, and were still allowed to vote provisionally.
This was presented to a judge. Along with other key findings. AND the PA DoE literally admitting to breaking multiple election laws along with the Chain of Custody... and the judge stated that day he wanted to see it all and give us an opportunity to review the ballots/images directly prior to their rushed certification... instead?
He did a full 180 the next morning, dismissed the case, and allowed Delco to rush-certify.
Judge must have gotten threatened by the DS....
"We may find CP on your PC!"
And this was after Fetterman issued a statement to “buckle up” because the Senate race could take weeks to decide. Then the race gets called the day after the election. The voting public was set up.
rigged judiciary, rigged state
why are people running to a corrupted legal system for relief from tyranny
we may never know, it the water there that messed up these people can't think ?
It's the same thing everyone is doing. We won two elections in a row. More voters turn out each time. They cheat harder. The legal system runs defense for the tyrants. More people wake up each time.
The alternative plan would give them exactly what they want.
What course of action would you recommend?
We literally got the state of PA to admit they broke election law in front of a judge that admitted we had standing. We were a c-hair away from getting our hands on the actual ballots.
If that happens ANYWHERE, it's game over.
Even the AZ audit from 2020 - the moment we were about to see the section discussing the legitimacy of the actual ballots, the entire fucking audit was shutdown. Coincidence? Nope.
So in the face of this, most Pennsylvanian's solution is to do nothing more harder.
The People in each state are being shown that they can't do anything. There's like 2 States in the US that are making meaningful election changes, and only FL made them pre-2022. And this was due to their leadership actually stepping up to the plate and doing what was right.
The vast majority of other states are being hijacked and constituents ignored, despite monumental efforts to be heard and get these lies exposed.
If you have a solution, spit it out, I'm sick of dooming shill cunts acting like they know how to fix everything while hiding behind their keyboards.
Its frustrating. At least we can agree there's no progress on this as far as I can see.
Maybe this forum isn't the best place to talk about what to do to stop this.
I'm afraid that if this isn't the place for it - there aren't many others. Unless you have a very large group of patriots that live near you and are willing to protest.
Yep, and in 2020 they lost all of the USB's with chain of custody info.
From what I heard. Don't get too excited. That county was won by GOP and the DEMONrats are challenging it.
Oh, but huge fraud in Philly and Pittsburgh but we will look the other way.
author's conclusion is for GOP to get better at mail in ballots....
This thread is encouraging Republicans to vote by mail. His reasoning is most counties in PN are red and their ballot would be safe. However, in many cases the postal service has been known to toss ballots and remove election signs. Recent video of US postal employees dumping ballots in drop boxes in 2000 mules.
DelCo is rife with fraud. I don’t agree with the conclusion that we just got out hustled.
Why did Wanda Sykes move to Media, Pennsylvania ?
Why did the counting of election ballots move from the Delaware County Court House to Chester, PA a few years later ? What can you tell me about the philadelphia area and the colleges nearby ?