I honestly can’t see any other result than that this one will be blatantly stolen, too. And that anyone (MSM, obviously, but also 95% of the "conservative" press) can be portraying these insanely fraudulent "elections" in Georgia, like Arizona, or Philadelphia, or Michigan, or New York, or Washington, etc. etc, as anything but an exercise in manufacturing votes is pure gaslighting.
And this is happening for either one of two reasons:
- reaching “the precipice” demands that yet another election be stolen right in front of our faces, or...
- there truly is nothing that will ever be done as we quickly turn into Venezuela
But regardless, I will be stunned if they let Walker win today. It ain’t happening.
I'd love to be wrong on this prediction, as I want everything to just start to get sorted out all nice and easy. But I've learned, by now, that this is NOT how things are going to happen. Stuff is going to get worse. And tonight's unholy theft is going to be one of those things.
Because despite getting thrown for a loop by Trump's absurd "2024" campaign announcement, undeniable events and evidence still continue to pile up that scream that something huge is indeed in the works.
So as obscene as tonight's "results" will almost certainly be, if you continue to see things unfolding as I do, do your best to stay cozy tonight. Because NCSWIC, and it will be righteous.
I get into arguments about fraud with a particular friend of mine I have known for decades. Dude seriously will not accept that we have massive fraud in elections. And the main reason is the maddening type of circular reasoning we hear all the damn time like "that fraud crap is bogus. You know how many people that would take to pull off?? No way that is possible. If that was actually happening, people would do something about it. Since nobody is doing anything about it, clearly that is bullshit..."
Could say the exact same thing about MK Ultra, Mockingbird, Tuskeegee, Gulf of Tonkin, Iran Contra, and an endless list of shit that "if it was really happening, people would do something about it" coming out of our government. I don't know how it is possible to be so thick in the head. I've yet to figure out a way to break thru this mindset.
One-word answer: Florida
Florida is what a “swing state” looks like when you clean up elections. And what that looks like… is a Republican blowout.
And when you don’t clean up elections, it looks like “red” states like Arizona, and Georgia, where all of a sudden Democrat after Democrat (or their GOP swamp stand-in) “win” by just a hair, every. single. time.
I thought that until I saw the push to promote Desantis over Trump. They haven’t hardly changed anything there for long enough and gone after enough people to have had an effect yet. So I am not sure we can give this due credit for the result.
DeSantis got damn near Gavin Newsome level support. You’d like to hope that he dealt with Covid in a way that people there are ecstatic about. But we also know Gavin has bogus numbers. How do we know they didn’t pad his numbers so they could tout him? The main suspect beneficiary of that to me is actually Dewine in Ohio. If he actually won that % of the vote, Ohio isn’t a battleground state. It is fire engine red. And I don’t believe for a second that rino is popular. Somehow I fear this guy is 2024’s Jeb Bush….
And how do you think states with a Demonic Rat leaning governments are going to allow a clean up of elections?
I don't understand how they're doing it again though. We have Pedes on the ground, working as poll watchers. And the state is run by Republicans. How are they stealing it this time?
One word. Dominion.
The Demonic Rats steal elections long before the first Dominion machine rolls off the conveyer belt. Ban the Dominion machines and they'll still find a way to cheat.
But hand ballot counts are confirming the machine counts. Unless they're somehow cheating the audits, I just don't see how it could be done.
Most of the Republicans running GA are corrupt. The steal is not in the voting, it’s in the counting.
But where in the process is this happening? Audits keep happening and we can't seem to pin down exactly where the fraudulent votes are coming in from. It doesn't help that the lawsuites aren't even saying there is fraud to begin with. It all just makes us look silly.
Ballot harvesting… they have that shit down. Republicans are playing little league ball while the Dems are playing in the big leagues. Until the republicans learn to beat the rats at their own game, it will not change.
I am seeing signs that the Republicans are catching on, however. At my local Republican committee, during the latest meeting, they were discussing the latest disappointment in results and are announcing a change of tactics. I guess people are still hoping that an overwhelming turnout on election day is the way to go, until now. Now? They all think it is time to fight fire with fire.
Legal or illegal ballot harvesting? Because I know in several states, it is legal to pick up and drop off someone's already filled out (and sealed) ballot. I looked into this a bunch and there are a lot of checks to make sure the voters are on the rolls.
You're assuming GA Republicans aren't RINOs. Many of them are. Purdue, Loeffler, Kemp & Reffensperger are four right off the top of my head.
Same reason why the default answer for many despairing patriots is to retreat into the wilderness, away from community and politics, and bunker down in their shabby homestead until their dying breath with nothing but canned beans and silver as their company.
Same reason why many normal people prefer to ignore the outside world's chaos in favor of focusing on their family, despite their duty to help out.
Many people are not mentally nor physically built to battle this out. This requires a special breed of man or woman and you'll find that 90%+ of the people in the world is unworthy.
Not that it is a bad thing. When the chips are down, I rather have people who will see it through to the end or die trying beside me than people who will run away as soon as their families are in danger.
So, 10% of humanity will save America and humanity? it’s no surprise that a fraction of people who want to die in battle would rather have people beside them who also want to die.. that’s how it works. People who have families have every right and reason to serve and be with their families. Their families are their duties. That is biblical. Nobody is kissing their loved ones goodbyes or cleaning their rifles to go off to civil war and conquer the United States Government.
Furthermore, if only the “10%” of people in the world have the “duty,” then wth does it matter to you that the rest protect and provide for their families since it’s not their duty, according to you, to die with you? You exist as a contradiction even in your fantasy/warped view of reality. You are warped.
The swamp will never be conquered. Arrests are not coming. Military is meaningless, because it, like the SCOTUS, DOJ, FBI, CIA, belongs to hell and is ruled by Satan. You will not have an opportunity to fight in the scenario you’ve created in your fantasy.
We allow it to happen because any time anyone suggests that we actually do something about it, everyone is “oh we have to be peaceful, we will not advocate violence”. Somehow we have become America’s cuckold husband.
Yet, when I study the military history of the Continental Army, I saw constant desertion problems, morale problems, training problems, and supply problems. I guess the cause of freedom from tyranny is not strong enough to prevent the first two problems from reoccurring until the later periods of the war, nor is it enough to solve the latter two problems.
I roll my eyes whenever I saw the meme: "Our Founding Fathers would've been stacking bodies by now." Oh sure, they are stacking bodies: the bodies of their dead Patriots into a grave. If they would have any advice, they will say: NO. Solve your training, supply, and morale/discipline problems first before you go to war, so you will not have to suffer like we have during the war.
Fun fact, George Washington almost quit his General post when he first saw the abysmal state of the Continental Army. Lacking training, little supplies, and no morale, it is a act of God that anything decent came out of that, even though it took Valley Forge to whip them into shape, finally.
Advocating for violence is not allowed here because it is the board rules. You may do so elsewhere, but not here.
And besides, if I were to advocate for something extra spicy, I would not be advertising it anywhere on the public-internet, especially not here, which is the de-facto face of Q. I would do it in a much more private space.
Basic security 101!
Upvote for using Sam Hill!
This is being allowed to go on because We The People apparently don't have the guts to force the Military to take action like Brazil did.
The people in this country are so comfortable in their every day lives they won't rebel. For most of them, they go to bed, get up, go to their job, come home, eat, and repeat. They have no idea what in hell is going on in the world.
I am beginning to think that what the precipice is, is those people waking up, but there are too many who will die in their homes before rebelling and will never reach that precipice Q thinks needs to happen.
And at the rate the illegals are invading this country, we will not have a country in two years.
Ok. What do you suggest be done that doesn't involve getting infiltrated and immediately getting shut down by feds? That includes the protest in Jan.
Even if enough people were 'awake', there's genuinely not much that can realistically be done. Even our own military has been weaponized against us.