Senator Johnson’s round table shocks the world again: data shows that the vaccinated “have a 26% higher mortality rate” - DC Clo...
(Natural News) After being re-elected in November, U.S. Senator Ron Johnson is wasting no time, helping expose the covid-19 vaccines and the historic crimes against humanity that have taken place under the guise of “public health.” The latest congressional...
And what that turns into is "Covid jabs responsible for an estimated 600,000 excess deaths in the US alone"... and counting.
600,000 (+, and counting) people said "Ok, I'm so scurred. Stick that needle in my arm.", and are now dead now when they otherwise wouldn't be.
Sucks for them. 🤷♂️
But the children and babies who were killed? Those innocents will be avenged without mercy.
"Those innocents will be avenged without mercy." NEVER HAD SUCH IMPORT as you have put onto this page...
Good On Ya'....
Just wait until the flu and other seasonal respiratory infections start kicking in. I suspect that # goes up considerably.
It’s almost as if the first dose had the “death ingredient” and subsequent doses are trying to hold it at bay?
My only kid came to visit and left her vax records out. The first dosage she got was high on the adverse event list. Her second and booster shots didn't even register as having any adverse events or were very low.
This is a terrible question, but should I tell my partially jabbed friend ( no boosters) to get a booster , since it seems like at least he will fall into the 26% instead of 145%? ( He prob won’t listen to me anyway) I seem to remember reading the opposite : the more jabbed, the more mortality . I’m guessing the boosters haven’t wreaked their ultimate destruction yet, sadly.
No, the doctors reported that the higher mortality after just one of the two-jab series is expected to be because the first jab caused a severe reaction, leading the patient to refuse the second dose.
So far. The "vaxxed" have a 26% higher mortality rate than the unjabbed SO FAR.
Of course the actual rate of mortality is always 100%; nobody lives forever.
It's a common annoyance for me that mortality rates DURING A PARTICULAR TIME PERIOD are reported WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THAT TIME PERIOD, which makes the statistic meaningless.
Here we've got May 2022 referenced in the chart, which presumably means people who GOT the jab were XX percent more likely than age-matched non-jabbed controls to die BY THAT DATE.
Going forward, will the jabbed continue to have a similarly higher mortality rate? An even higher one? Will the disparity even out instead? Time will tell, but I don't expect good news in this situation.
Now what's up with this graph? How is it that the mortality is the inverse of what we would suspect based on what we've seen so far? Does it mean more deaths have already happened that we don't know about, or that our understanding of damage is flawed, or that the vaccines changed over time? It is an alarming graph for what it doesn't say.
Inflation is real.
*** you may die, which is normal.
As we continue to pursue truth about the Covid-19 jabs and justice for those who were deceived or coerced, let's also get a blue-ribbon panel undertaking a search for an antidote for those who were jabbed. The best of the best should be on this panel (and that's not you, Dr. Fraudci).