458 Parents found pure blood for their newborn, Hospital gives newborn with heart condition vaccinated blood anyway against thier wishes, baby dies of blood clot. It makes me determined to keep getting the word out and sad at the same time. (open.substack.com) posted 2 years ago by ALLT4 2 years ago by ALLT4 +459 / -1 Newborn Baby Dies After Blood Transfusion Parents say hospital used vaccinated blood despite arrangements made for unvaccinated blood 60 comments share 60 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Yes, charge them with murder in the first degree.
Every hospital should have Purebloods in a Data base and start planning a secure inventory.
Lawfare 100% protected. Never even going to find out their names.
If you don't trust your doctor/surgeon, go somewhere else. Trust your instincts. The records are there. Hopefully, justice will prevail.
Premeditated... they KNEW
My thoughts exactly in this case.
And the supplier of the blood as well.