This morning I was fine, then a couple hours in and I started getting errors of 400, 500, 520 Communitywin cannot be found. Rerouting me everywhere. Can't reply to some posts. Can't upvote some posts. It's been a nightmare. Pray this reply is a success.
I was trying to make a new post and got the cloudfare error page. When I tried again I got a post submission page but not the usual one: it wanted to know "which community?"
Then when I reloaded the GAW home page my post was there! Definitely weird.
Very strange keeps taking me to the page.
Haven't been on much, but had some time today and it's not easy being on right now.
Thought it was just me
Me too
That's similar to what happened to me. I was using Brave. Changed to Yandex and it stopped.
Acting very weird for me.
Same here. I just tried to up-doot your post and it took me to the sign-in page..WHEN I'VE BEEN SIGNED IN FOR WEEKS. I stay signed in to this site.
Yeah, this is very strange. They're probably getting DOS attacked or hacked.
Cloudflare x three the last couple days..
They be Gremlins afoot🤪
Me too. And I end up at Patriots or TheDonald.
It's happening
yes weird today
Acting weird here too.
Yes, it's been pretty glitchy today for me also.
Noticed it redirects when I hit the back button after reading a post.
Good to know I'm not the only one. It's definitely acting weird for me as well. We must be over the target! Good job frens.
This morning I was fine, then a couple hours in and I started getting errors of 400, 500, 520 Communitywin cannot be found. Rerouting me everywhere. Can't reply to some posts. Can't upvote some posts. It's been a nightmare. Pray this reply is a success.
This has been happening to me for a couple months. Just need to clean cache and sign back in. No idea why it's happening, but that's a workaround.
Me too, tells me it does not exist, then I have to log in again.
I was trying to make a new post and got the cloudfare error page. When I tried again I got a post submission page but not the usual one: it wanted to know "which community?"
Then when I reloaded the GAW home page my post was there! Definitely weird.