Unsealing continues
🎅🏻 All I want for Christmas… 🎅🏻
Looks like a reverse trend and from 8 days ago there been 1500+ more indictments unsealed. Usually its going the other way where more get sealed every month. I have tracked this monthly since April and this is the first time I have seen it go the other way. Is De-class starting to ramp up? I am so ready!
For the newbies. Q said to track the indictments.
Getting back to our roots.
6-9-22 Sealed 326156 unsealed 41851 sealed remain 264305
7-15-22 Sealed 337980 unsealed 41851 sealed remain 296129
8-5-22 Sealed 351021 unsealed 41851 sealed remain 309170
9-9-22 Sealed 358609 unsealed 41851 sealed remain 316758
9-24-22 Sealed 358609 unsealed 48410 sealed remain 310199
10-09-22 Sealed 365448 unsealed 48410 sealed remain 317038
12-09-22 Sealed 378813 Unsealed 48676 sealed remain 330137
12-17-22 Sealed 378813 Unsealed 50160 sealed remain 328563
Man I hope Gavin NewScum is one! He needs to go down ASAP!
In the 8 days prior to your anomaly "sealed" was not updated. You show a 15-day period with no "sealed" update as well. No idea what the reporting cycle is.
Have you been able to discern a patter in the unsealed indictments? Are they mostly financial cases? ...or treason? ....or what?
I tried looking into it further but couldnt find any bigger names so to speak there. Theres a lot of info on that web page but I wasnt able to find anything that is really eye opening name wise.
OK, thanks.
Thanks for noticing and pointing it out! Great to have so many eyes on so many things. I have frens in high (all) places!
I find it very interesting some of these cases. It's the United States versus an address such as 15353 Minnesota avenue. I have no idea how you draw a lawsuit against a Thai restaurant at a particular address versus an actual business or entity. There's another one that is the US Federal lawsuit or indictment against a silver Chevy with a VIN number. I assume that these indictments are to draw particular locations and items in for scrutiny? Like maybe some of those addresses were used for trafficking? Maybe certain vehicles were used for trafficking and to pull them into a federal case they have to be listed as part of the indictment? Any legal beagles able to help me out here?
Could it be for property seizures? A silver Chevy obviously didn't commit a crime but may have been used in a crime. I know years ago there was a local case where a house was used for drug trafficking and state law allowed its seizure even though the house didn't belonged to a family member, not the drug dealer himself.
Forfeiture laws for each state: https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-rights/asset-forfeiture-laws-by-state.html
Doesn't sound implausible. Worth a further look!
Great post! I keep forgetting to check on this and you hit the turning point.
Sooo ready.
I've got caramel popcorn on standby for a special occasion.
This should be stickied
I don’t know but I have run into the name Adm. Crandal.
Darse Crandall https://g.co/kgs/dvq51C
Thank you! Forgive these weird posts. I refuse to update my phone. I haven’t since 2020. It’s having a fit lately!
Good catch!
'DECLAS' refers to the coming set of ELEs, not the criminality of elites.
Great work! How did you figure this out on that website?
6-9-22 Sealed 326156 unsealed 41851 sealed remain 264305
7-15-22 Sealed 337980 unsealed 41851 sealed remain 296129
8-5-22 Sealed 351021 unsealed 41851 sealed remain 309170
9-9-22 Sealed 358609 unsealed 41851 sealed remain 316758
9-24-22 Sealed 358609 unsealed 48410 sealed remain 310199
10-09-22 Sealed 365448 unsealed 48410 sealed remain 317038
12-09-22 Sealed 378813 Unsealed 48676 sealed remain 330137
12-17-22 Sealed 378813 Unsealed 50160 sealed remain 328563
1-9-23 Sealed 383880 Unsealed 50160 sealed remain 333720
Let’s go!