Not asking as a doomer. Asking as an analytical Anon: What should we do if Kari Lake loses her lawsuit? Some thoughts...
What is our role in the Plan? I know we are digital soldiers trying to help wake up normies.
If KL loses her lawsuit, are we supposed to go all "peaceful Brazilian" in the streets? I am not suggesting, but asking.
Are we supposed to get more popcorn? Not being snide... really asking?
What is our role if she loses? I think this question needs discussion among those who have spent way more time than most of us studying the Q drops.
Thanks for your thoughts and guidance. (I am definitely NOT advocating anything other than peaceful protest).
This opinion will likely be controversial, but I think it doesn't really matter. Everything now is a distraction to keep us occupied while events continue to play out behind the scenes. Sure, it is wonderful to do something. And putting people in the right frame of mind can't do any harm when we really do arrive at the precipice. But the reality is that the grinder society needs to pass through before this is over is going to make all of this much less important than we think it is right now.
Trump wasn't wrong when he said sometimes he wants to lose it all just to see who his friends are. We really do need to lose it all in order to become the change we so desperately want. And that time simply isn't here yet. So maybe we protest, maybe we don't. Maybe SCOTUS takes her case, maybe they don't. Maybe we block a major highway and let them roll the tanks to clear us out. It isn't going to significantly change anything.
The precipice is still ahead of us, and at that point everyone, even the currently unawake and unaware, will finally understand there is no choice other than ending this insanity or permanent enslavement. And that is the time when it actually matters. And there won't be any question then of what needs to be done.
Couldn't agree more.
The storm may take years to come about, possibly even decades, but one day what we write here will be studied in history classes. Once the storm is upon us, they'll come in droves, asking for help and guidance, and my bumper stickers will show them the way.
The storm HAS to happen soon, because all the illegals WILL eventually be voting, and at that point, no Republican will be able to win almost everywhere. When that tipping point happens, all the super leftist legislation will be introduced, and passed, and you can kiss the country goodbye, without a hot civil war.
At that point, they won't need to commit ballot fraud or any fraud day-of. I just wish 95% of the current crop of republicans weren't completely useless.
UNLESS there is a major outreach to the entrenched illegals to convince them of the evil of the D's by showing them what the D's are doing. The illegals are not for castrating boys, sex trafficking, and so on. They just don't know what they're voting for, when voting D.
You're assuming that our salvation will come from the Republicans, but that's obviously not the case. The government has to be reformed. President Trump has the right idea, sometimes we have to abandon the constitution in order to fix things. Immigrants are easy to mold and control. We think of the left using this, but I think this is part of the plan. When the storm happens, we will use immigrants to overthrow the DS and setup a new utopia, without being bled dry by the corrupt Cabal. Don't you want that?