The operative word here is switched. Not manufactured, fake, and harvested ballots, those are a totally different category.
I get the 17% reference, still if that’s correct, even without accounting for ballot harvesting/stuffing and only at switching, which can only be done with the machines, President Trump would have received somewhere around 86 million votes. And, Biden, with the assistance of ballot stuffing got around 69 million.
But, there is little reason to believe 2020 varied that much from the 2016 election where about 129 million votes were cast, 66 million Clinton/63 million Trump. So, Biden more likely only received around 43 million valid votes. That’s a number many people here over the last two years have said, at an intuitive level, makes more sense.
But, there is little reason to believe 2020 varied that much from the 2016 election where about 129 million votes were cast, 66 million Clinton/63 million Trump.
There is little reason to hold this opinion, as it is based on wrong information. Trump easily won the so-called "popular vote" in 2016 when you eliminate the millions of fake and illegal ballots counted for Clinton, which literally don't count. Conversely, there is every reason to believe Trump did far better the second time than he did the first time. It was a spectacular landslide victory of 410 electoral votes (Source: OAN) and another massive "popular vote" victory for Trump.
The prevalent election rigging mode in 2016 was electronic, where they switched or flipped 3% to 5%, believe that level of cheating would seem plausible. So, you’re right, President Trump won the 2016 popular vote. And, no doubt some of the 2016 bl votes were fake, but for statistics you need something for a baseline.
I do know about "literally" don't count, because of course they SHOULDN'T count..but did. And do even still.
Not sure how much Trump won by, but it's clear they had to build up and refine their cheating apparatus because in 2016 it was not good enough.
The annoying thing now is the lack of action on Trump's part, as well as the lack of wins. There is a notable split opening between Trump and other "options" like DeSantis, and I think any Republican who is willing to split the vote from going all in on Trump right now is the enemy, no matter who it is.
And if "there is little reason to believe 2020 varied that much from the 2016 election," then how many of those Clinton votes were Trump votes they switched?
43 mil for Biden would just about make sense. Quality of candidates matters, not just hating the other guy. Unless it's a huge recession, war, etc there isn't a hell of a lot of motivation to get out and vote against someone you hate. And figure how a lot of leftists view Biden. He's like their version of Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush.
I would imagine the only people that really would turn out for Biden are the rabid hard left that hates Trump. Or the Dem party base who is politically engaged enough to vote in every election. Biden was getting trashed by indys and even under-performing Shrillary among minority voters.
The fact they even put up Biden is telling as well. Had they put up a better candidate like Obama 2.0 (young, charismatic, dynamic, centrist, etc) I would be far less suspicious of fraud. They would only have put up Gropey Joe if they were completely confident of rigging the election.
I think this is what is meant by "rigged" vs "defrauded". Both obviously happened in 2020 to large scales, and both obviously happened in Arizona in 2022. The good news is that I think it is easier to combat rigging. Once we know what they are doing, we can take normal steps to defeat it, or even conduct it ourselves if the system is so mucked up that we have to. Fraud depends on judges, often influenced by deep state factors, to " overturn" an election. I think even legitimate judges are understandably hesitant to do that.
The operative word here is switched. Not manufactured, fake, and harvested ballots, those are a totally different category.
I get the 17% reference, still if that’s correct, even without accounting for ballot harvesting/stuffing and only at switching, which can only be done with the machines, President Trump would have received somewhere around 86 million votes. And, Biden, with the assistance of ballot stuffing got around 69 million.
But, there is little reason to believe 2020 varied that much from the 2016 election where about 129 million votes were cast, 66 million Clinton/63 million Trump. So, Biden more likely only received around 43 million valid votes. That’s a number many people here over the last two years have said, at an intuitive level, makes more sense.
There is little reason to hold this opinion, as it is based on wrong information. Trump easily won the so-called "popular vote" in 2016 when you eliminate the millions of fake and illegal ballots counted for Clinton, which literally don't count. Conversely, there is every reason to believe Trump did far better the second time than he did the first time. It was a spectacular landslide victory of 410 electoral votes (Source: OAN) and another massive "popular vote" victory for Trump.
The prevalent election rigging mode in 2016 was electronic, where they switched or flipped 3% to 5%, believe that level of cheating would seem plausible. So, you’re right, President Trump won the 2016 popular vote. And, no doubt some of the 2016 bl votes were fake, but for statistics you need something for a baseline.
I do know about "literally" don't count, because of course they SHOULDN'T count..but did. And do even still.
Not sure how much Trump won by, but it's clear they had to build up and refine their cheating apparatus because in 2016 it was not good enough.
The annoying thing now is the lack of action on Trump's part, as well as the lack of wins. There is a notable split opening between Trump and other "options" like DeSantis, and I think any Republican who is willing to split the vote from going all in on Trump right now is the enemy, no matter who it is.
I do not believe she won the popular vote.
And if "there is little reason to believe 2020 varied that much from the 2016 election," then how many of those Clinton votes were Trump votes they switched?
3% to 5% depending on the state and looking plausible at that time.
43 mil for Biden would just about make sense. Quality of candidates matters, not just hating the other guy. Unless it's a huge recession, war, etc there isn't a hell of a lot of motivation to get out and vote against someone you hate. And figure how a lot of leftists view Biden. He's like their version of Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush.
I would imagine the only people that really would turn out for Biden are the rabid hard left that hates Trump. Or the Dem party base who is politically engaged enough to vote in every election. Biden was getting trashed by indys and even under-performing Shrillary among minority voters.
The fact they even put up Biden is telling as well. Had they put up a better candidate like Obama 2.0 (young, charismatic, dynamic, centrist, etc) I would be far less suspicious of fraud. They would only have put up Gropey Joe if they were completely confident of rigging the election.
the 43 mil figure definitely jibes.
I think this is what is meant by "rigged" vs "defrauded". Both obviously happened in 2020 to large scales, and both obviously happened in Arizona in 2022. The good news is that I think it is easier to combat rigging. Once we know what they are doing, we can take normal steps to defeat it, or even conduct it ourselves if the system is so mucked up that we have to. Fraud depends on judges, often influenced by deep state factors, to " overturn" an election. I think even legitimate judges are understandably hesitant to do that.