Concocting new poisons and testing them on critters (and humans).
Since the "Coronavirus (SARS-COV2) has never been isolated" narrative now dominates the truther community, they need another narrative to keep this group in fear as well.
The simple fact is CatsFive, unicorn viruses are an invented boogeyman. Nobody has ever seen/found/isolated any unicorn - ever. It's all lies.
Pasteur hypothesized unicorns and had the big cabal money behind him in the 1870-1910 time period. Rockefeller took the baton in 1915 and carried it forward into the mid-1930s. During this entire period they did not have the technology to see their hypothesized unicorn viruses, and yet, they blamed dozens of "dis-eases" on an hypothesis, right? Rabies, smallpox, polio, Spanish Flu, etc.
After the invention of the electron microscope in the early 1930s, the Rockefellerian researchers frantically looked for unicorns, with millions in funding, but couldn't find them as the speciality known as "virology" almost slipped into extinction.
Then in 1954, a technician invented a manufacturing process by poisoning monkey kidney (vero) cells and then taking pictures of the decayed particulates and naming the little blobby things "viruses", without a shred of proof or even an attempt to prove that they were "dis-ease causing germs". They just took a picture and said "there they are" and the gullible sheeple believed it. It's literally this simple.
In the late 1990s they invented "gene sequencing" and now take samples of a sick person's bodily fluids and then ASSEMBLE tiny RNA fragments which UNDOUBTEDLY are just decayed human RNA...calling their COMPUTER-SOFTWARE-ASSEMBLED* creation a "virus". And yet, they're never able to locate a single IN TACT unicorn virus in any of these samples....EVER.
None of these manufactured unicorns literally exist in reality. And nobody has ever been to find a unicorn in nature/reality.
This is the history of the pseudoscience known as "virology". It's all a fraud and it's literally this simple.
Also, are you using "unicorn" and "virus" interchangeably here, or are you saying there are viruses, and then there are "unicorn viruses", which are not real? Because you're kind of all over the place when referring to viruses, unicorns, and unicorn viruses. It's impossible to be certain if you're saying ALL viruses are not real, or if only what you're referring to as "unicorn viruses" are not real.
Yes, "Germs" are fake too! Good on you. There is no such thing as a "germ" as the word is understood in modern vernacular. Bacteria are very real indeed but they aren't contagious or pathogenic. Nobody in the history of scientism has ever been able to transmit "dis-ease" from a sick to healthy person with bacteria.
Your body produces bacteria to assist you with removing or restoring temporary excess tissue.
Yep, I'm deliberately using "unicorn" for "virus" as both are mythical creatures with no basis in reality.
I'm quite definitely saying ALL VIRUSES ARE NOT REAL. They are 100% invented boogeymen and I'd be happy to demonstrate this, quite easily I might add, with the world's foremost <brainwashed> authority/expert in virology.
Viruses are an agreed upon existence and while science needs and deserves challenge to it, very few people who are qualified to make these claims end up making them and being prepared to back it up. If you can't operate within the confines of current human understanding, then you'll never get anywhere against the narratives.
Now if you are able to rally a bunch of well learned researchers within the field, then you can make claims like these and have them accepted as fact if proven true.
But what is being done here is latching on to an alternative theory and spouting that as fact with very little evidence relative to the amount of evidence contrary to the claim.
Agreed upon only by people lost in fraudulent beliefs
very few people who are qualified to make these claims end up making them and being prepared to back it up.
Well I'm quite qualified and can back up my statement with undeniable, irrefutable facts.
If you can't operate within the confines of current human understanding, then you'll never get anywhere against the narratives.
So "viruses" are a "narrative" and not a factual "thing" based on reality? I certainly can't argue with you that there are zillions of people who have a concept in their mind that they exist. But I'm not interested in "narratives". Only facts, truths and reality. And the reality is, nobody has ever found a virus in the real world...because they don't exist!
Now if you are able to rally a bunch of well learned researchers within the field
Herein lies your problem. All the "well learned researchers" are brainwashed. Just like the millions of doctors out there that still think the Covid jab is good for you. They've all been profoundly miseducated. Nonetheless, I can stand toe-to-toe with any of them and easily prove that their entire career is based on at least three faulty ASSUMPTIONS that even a 5th grader can see.
And this is why they're all hiding. They know deep-down they've been duped and are unwilling to face these simple questions.
you can make claims like these and have them accepted as fact if proven true.
You're using the classic "proof of claim reversal logical fallacy" here. Wouldn't it be incumbent upon the people who claim that viruses exist to be able to prove their claim first? They are unable to do so. Which is the basis of my assertion. They've never proven viruses exist. It's literally this simple.
If you told me unicorns don't exist, is it then your job to prove they don't exist? Of course not, as nobody has any proof that they do exist. It's the same thing with viruses.
But what is being done here is latching on to an alternative theory and spouting that as fact
I take great offense at this remark and the state of consciousness it represents. What's being done here is YOU LACK THE COMMON SENSE TO RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF* ..and or... ask me some questions as to how I'm able to assert what I do. You fail in both regards and instead revert to your collective brainwashing programming. Quit projecting your failure to investigate or question onto me.
What advantage do you gain by believing in viruses? I think the answer is zero advantage. They are a source of worry and fear for you. So why persist in clinging to these lies without making even a modicum of effort to alleviate this fear-inducing BELIEF? Instead you choose to cast aspersions on the person trying to free you from your delusions. Why?
What causes you to behave in this manner? I'm attempting to free you from one aspect of the Matrix of fear, worry, blame and victim consciousness. Are you one of these people who wishes to fight to uphold the deception?
and spouting that as fact with very little evidence relative to the amount of evidence contrary to the claim.
What I said is an ABSOLUTE FACT with MOUNTAINS of evidence to support my position. And there's exactly ZERO evidence to support the belief in viruses. Unless you call cabal-controlled scientism papers and their brainwashed experts musing "evidence" of course. I can't help you if you want to BELIEVE their lies.
Why didn't you ask me for some evidence before leaving your knee-jerk ("brainwashing programmed) comments and reactions? I can provide you with all the evidence you could ever ask for. But let me guess, you're not interested in any of that evidence. You're gonna stick with the majority opinion, eh? Is that how it's going to be?
I can assure you with 100% certainty that unicorn virus boogeymen don't exist, and never have. And I'd be happy to demonstrate this with the world's greatest (brainwashed) virologist expert. They can't see the lies they believe in. And most of them don't want to see the lies. This is the biggest problem.
You prefer "the unicorn viruses are real" sheeple take then?
This is intriguing. What do you think the virology labs and institutes are really doing if all of the virus aspects are head fakes?
Concocting new poisons and testing them on critters (and humans).
Since the "Coronavirus (SARS-COV2) has never been isolated" narrative now dominates the truther community, they need another narrative to keep this group in fear as well.
The simple fact is CatsFive, unicorn viruses are an invented boogeyman. Nobody has ever seen/found/isolated any unicorn - ever. It's all lies.
Pasteur hypothesized unicorns and had the big cabal money behind him in the 1870-1910 time period. Rockefeller took the baton in 1915 and carried it forward into the mid-1930s. During this entire period they did not have the technology to see their hypothesized unicorn viruses, and yet, they blamed dozens of "dis-eases" on an hypothesis, right? Rabies, smallpox, polio, Spanish Flu, etc.
After the invention of the electron microscope in the early 1930s, the Rockefellerian researchers frantically looked for unicorns, with millions in funding, but couldn't find them as the speciality known as "virology" almost slipped into extinction.
Then in 1954, a technician invented a manufacturing process by poisoning monkey kidney (vero) cells and then taking pictures of the decayed particulates and naming the little blobby things "viruses", without a shred of proof or even an attempt to prove that they were "dis-ease causing germs". They just took a picture and said "there they are" and the gullible sheeple believed it. It's literally this simple.
In the late 1990s they invented "gene sequencing" and now take samples of a sick person's bodily fluids and then ASSEMBLE tiny RNA fragments which UNDOUBTEDLY are just decayed human RNA...calling their COMPUTER-SOFTWARE-ASSEMBLED* creation a "virus". And yet, they're never able to locate a single IN TACT unicorn virus in any of these samples....EVER.
None of these manufactured unicorns literally exist in reality. And nobody has ever been to find a unicorn in nature/reality.
This is the history of the pseudoscience known as "virology". It's all a fraud and it's literally this simple.
What about germs? Are germs fake, too?
Also, are you using "unicorn" and "virus" interchangeably here, or are you saying there are viruses, and then there are "unicorn viruses", which are not real? Because you're kind of all over the place when referring to viruses, unicorns, and unicorn viruses. It's impossible to be certain if you're saying ALL viruses are not real, or if only what you're referring to as "unicorn viruses" are not real.
Yes, "Germs" are fake too! Good on you. There is no such thing as a "germ" as the word is understood in modern vernacular. Bacteria are very real indeed but they aren't contagious or pathogenic. Nobody in the history of scientism has ever been able to transmit "dis-ease" from a sick to healthy person with bacteria.
Your body produces bacteria to assist you with removing or restoring temporary excess tissue.
Yep, I'm deliberately using "unicorn" for "virus" as both are mythical creatures with no basis in reality.
I'm quite definitely saying ALL VIRUSES ARE NOT REAL. They are 100% invented boogeymen and I'd be happy to demonstrate this, quite easily I might add, with the world's foremost <brainwashed> authority/expert in virology.
Viruses are an agreed upon existence and while science needs and deserves challenge to it, very few people who are qualified to make these claims end up making them and being prepared to back it up. If you can't operate within the confines of current human understanding, then you'll never get anywhere against the narratives.
Now if you are able to rally a bunch of well learned researchers within the field, then you can make claims like these and have them accepted as fact if proven true.
But what is being done here is latching on to an alternative theory and spouting that as fact with very little evidence relative to the amount of evidence contrary to the claim.
LOL! "Agreed upon". Yeah, by a bunch of delusional people who can't notice the happenings in their body and relation to their own consciousness.
Agreed upon only by people lost in fraudulent beliefs
Well I'm quite qualified and can back up my statement with undeniable, irrefutable facts.
So "viruses" are a "narrative" and not a factual "thing" based on reality? I certainly can't argue with you that there are zillions of people who have a concept in their mind that they exist. But I'm not interested in "narratives". Only facts, truths and reality. And the reality is, nobody has ever found a virus in the real world...because they don't exist!
Herein lies your problem. All the "well learned researchers" are brainwashed. Just like the millions of doctors out there that still think the Covid jab is good for you. They've all been profoundly miseducated. Nonetheless, I can stand toe-to-toe with any of them and easily prove that their entire career is based on at least three faulty ASSUMPTIONS that even a 5th grader can see.
And this is why they're all hiding. They know deep-down they've been duped and are unwilling to face these simple questions.
You're using the classic "proof of claim reversal logical fallacy" here. Wouldn't it be incumbent upon the people who claim that viruses exist to be able to prove their claim first? They are unable to do so. Which is the basis of my assertion. They've never proven viruses exist. It's literally this simple.
If you told me unicorns don't exist, is it then your job to prove they don't exist? Of course not, as nobody has any proof that they do exist. It's the same thing with viruses.
I take great offense at this remark and the state of consciousness it represents. What's being done here is YOU LACK THE COMMON SENSE TO RESEARCH FOR YOURSELF* ..and or... ask me some questions as to how I'm able to assert what I do. You fail in both regards and instead revert to your collective brainwashing programming. Quit projecting your failure to investigate or question onto me.
What advantage do you gain by believing in viruses? I think the answer is zero advantage. They are a source of worry and fear for you. So why persist in clinging to these lies without making even a modicum of effort to alleviate this fear-inducing BELIEF? Instead you choose to cast aspersions on the person trying to free you from your delusions. Why?
What causes you to behave in this manner? I'm attempting to free you from one aspect of the Matrix of fear, worry, blame and victim consciousness. Are you one of these people who wishes to fight to uphold the deception?
What I said is an ABSOLUTE FACT with MOUNTAINS of evidence to support my position. And there's exactly ZERO evidence to support the belief in viruses. Unless you call cabal-controlled scientism papers and their brainwashed experts musing "evidence" of course. I can't help you if you want to BELIEVE their lies.
Why didn't you ask me for some evidence before leaving your knee-jerk ("brainwashing programmed) comments and reactions? I can provide you with all the evidence you could ever ask for. But let me guess, you're not interested in any of that evidence. You're gonna stick with the majority opinion, eh? Is that how it's going to be?
I can assure you with 100% certainty that unicorn virus boogeymen don't exist, and never have. And I'd be happy to demonstrate this with the world's greatest (brainwashed) virologist expert. They can't see the lies they believe in. And most of them don't want to see the lies. This is the biggest problem.