LGBTQ Community Is a ‘Cult’ – ‘Evil People’ Who ‘Want To Groom Kids’
🤢 These people are groomers! 🤮
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Broadstroke generalization is a broadstroke generalization. We have more friends than enemies. It's time to stop lumping people into groups and call out people and their behaviors as individuals.
The rare exception doesn't make the rule. I suspect you might be one of our gay patriots. We've got people like Scott Presler, Ric Grenell, Dave Rubin, Brandon Straka (walkaway movement), Douglas Murray in the UK, etc. I'm certain there are more I have forgotten, but among the millions of homosexuals out there, they are a tiny minority viewpoint.
Broadstroke generalizations exist because patterns exist. Our brains think by recognizing patterns. In fact, if you ever take an IQ test, pattern recognition is a key part of what they test. Telling people to ignore the evidence of their own eyes is stupid and frankly futile. You're fighting basic biology.
The modern Alphabet People movement is cult-like. Seriously, if you wanted to compare it to something like the Branch Davidians or similar groups, you'd find key similarities. Sexual access is OFTEN leveraged by the cult leaders. NVIXM certainly did. So did David Koresh. LoTT is absolutely right about the movement and it needs to be called out.
Blaire White
Another perfect example
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
"Nor effeminate." How did I never see that one before?
God opens our eyes when we need to see most clearly....
Feels more like I fell victim to the Mandela Effect again. I hate that feeling.
I wish that were true but the normal ones are the exception. I used to work in several fields that were filled with gay men and a few gay women. A LOT of my guy friends were gay, I worked with many of them became close friends, etc. stayed friends through the years.
After the Trump presidency and Covid, I only have one gay couple left as a friend, all the rest have become LGBT/drinking the Kool-Aid assholes. These are people I stuck up for and defended and support in the 80s and 90s when it was not easy to be gay and there was no LGBT crap. Well they did not stick up for me. When I was being suppressed, shadow banned, put down for being a Christian, etc. in fact, many of them celebrated and thought it was only right that those things were happening to me. I also heard through the grapevine that many of them became rabid anti- anti-Vaxers, total mask Nazis, etc., so I guess it’s even better that we’re not friends now. Some of them had long-term aids from their heyday sexcapades in the 80s and 90s. I’m betting being boosted to the max has not been a fun experience for them. Reap. Sow.
My one normal friend and his partner (who did stick up for me/were emphatic) don’t even like hanging out with other gay people, they only hang out with straight people. They’re totally gay, but it doesn’t define them and it’s not their whole fucking life. 30 other gay people I knew all went the other way. Some rabidly so. So I do think a broad brush does apply here. Like you, I know there are exceptions, but they are the exceptions, not the rule. I sincerely hope that changes with the great awakening whenever that happens.
Yep people always completely miss the main issue here - psychopathy and related pathologies. They infiltrate every movement and take it over like wolves in sheeps clothing. When we blame gay people or jews or blacks or whatever you never fix any of the problems that psychopaths cause. They have hid the psychological knowledge that has kept us enslaved for centuries