Oops! Listen closely - You can hear her earpiece... picked up on the LiveStream.
Who is REALLY in charge here?? Who is feeding her lines at the podium??
🧠 These people are stupid!
The American people demand to know who was feeding her instructions, and to find out what gives that individual the authority to dictate instructions to members of congress.
McCarthy now has an investigation to conduct. Let's watch him get the job done, just like Trump said he would.
The US Government politley declines your request, and should you continue to push your racist disinformation we will kindly escort you to a local facility for social reorientation and behavior modification.
Don’t forget the medication, injections and vaccines you will be getting for your own safety while under government care.
I don't care what the govt. thinks about that. I want someone to put McCarthy on the spot, right now, and make him answer that question. Let's see him be a real leader for the house of congress.
The entire show last night was predicted by Q 5 years ago to the exact date. Keep watching its just a movie. Its about to get real good my fren.
This was posted on a few days ago when the first adjournings came up. the first one got replaced with this vessel for some fat donald trumpist feeding her lines all the time.
Can't find the links to it now, but the fat guy with glasses has been identified :P
I was wondering how we know if this was voiced over after the fact or honestly and truly happened like that real time. From your statement here— it seems that it was truly this way? Unless I’m misunderstanding....
Yes, at least since the diversity hire took over the gavel and count.
Pardon my ignorance, but who is she?
Posted a question about who she is... Just ignore it, I looked it up.
Go watch recordings on CSPAN. I heard this life and thought it was someone sitting behind her.
Good idea- I’m wondering why this never occurred to me..... !!
I mentioned this a couple days ago, BUT I misidentified him. Originally thought it was House Parliamentarian Jason Smith (R... MAGA R), but it wasn't him. Must be some kind of clerk? Was there the entire time, behind her to her right.
The larger white dude with facial hair and glasses, who was behind her on her right, giving her lines and instructions for says. I asked this question 2 days ago, who exactly he was. Have yet to figure that out.
It's not an earpiece. There's a heavyset guy to her right that instructed her the entire time.