And if you like the idea of posting this sort of thing, here, there and everywhere, join them. They'll set you up with some free starters, and have instructions on how to set up your own little sticker production operation. They have templates.... .
War has been a front for the torture of innocent citizens for far too long. But being pro-war has become increasingly normal in today’s society. This act of worshipping corruption will continue to lead down the darkest path humanity has ever taken. Leaving morals and decency far behind. The division of the human race will continue to be a tool for havoc, which is why the newest White Rose archive will feature several pro-peace designs. Our suppliers are standing by, order now- And to our brothers and sisters in Canada, remember the North America Bot (Previously USA only) has taken over now! We will continue to mail out messages of hope and freedom worldwide!
Everything you need to know about how to print our stickers (or have them sent to you for free!) can be found here:
This reminds me of the artwork and promotions from Steven Wilson's 2021 album "The Future Bites"
This is from the Wikipedia page:
the music video for "Eminent Sleaze" depicts a post-apocalyptic dystopian future in the year 2032 where The Future Bites have become the world's largest global corporation and through excessive consumerism cause the earth's population to rapidly decline
"The White Rose is a global network of independent activists, all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless fear mongering, lies and propaganda we've all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 scamdemic."
This is BRILLIANT. Wish I could get a copy. I'd mount it everywhere.
Not hard to copy.
If it's a white rose sticker, you're in luck.
And if you like the idea of posting this sort of thing, here, there and everywhere, join them. They'll set you up with some free starters, and have instructions on how to set up your own little sticker production operation. They have templates.... .
Here is their archive.
FYI, this is totally legit, and not a scam. Had a whole bunch of people in my local networks use these in 2021....
This level mockery reaches the kids.
Celine Dion?
I thought it was Gwynneth Paltrow and her goop
Ah yes, I see the hair now.
With what I’ve seen…
This poster actually probably had people take a pic. Proceed to try and locate this celebrity online and wonder why they can’t find her.
Looks like UK..?
Not possible. It's not written in Arabic.
Then NOT Dearborn MI.
This reminds me of the artwork and promotions from Steven Wilson's 2021 album "The Future Bites"
This is from the Wikipedia page:
Looks like a White Rose sticker.
"The White Rose is a global network of independent activists, all working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless fear mongering, lies and propaganda we've all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 scamdemic."