I think those in OUR movement always knew something was wrong...We just did not know WHY? and to What extent. Having said that...the TWO WEEKS to lesson the Curve..Was the end of what I could consider "Normal". The TRUE eye opener for me...was Xiden being "supposedly" Inaugurated. . and WHY I am sooo very glad I found this site... and how instrumental it has been in putting the Missing pieces of that puzzle together.
Profit at end game is for the pawns. These power players are after something more.
They want to be gods. They want to control and rewrite the human race, and its history and future. What good is profit when the gods can change the currency?
We never split from the crown. Each war costed us money, land, power, our country, our kids and generations that followed.
We became complacent while we were occupied in wars and the such.
The least we could do is burn down the fed and IRS. Future generations will be in the light.
How Ironic that everyone who went ALL IN with covid are going to dream, long for, and wish for, their "old normal" and it will never come back. They all "took a shot" and missed. They liked their old normal but took a big gamble and lost it.
hand rubbing intensifies
I think those in OUR movement always knew something was wrong...We just did not know WHY? and to What extent. Having said that...the TWO WEEKS to lesson the Curve..Was the end of what I could consider "Normal". The TRUE eye opener for me...was Xiden being "supposedly" Inaugurated. . and WHY I am sooo very glad I found this site... and how instrumental it has been in putting the Missing pieces of that puzzle together.
Great comment!
To be fair, oblivious is normal in the sense that it is by far the most common state that people go through their lives in......
Profit at end game is for the pawns. These power players are after something more.
They want to be gods. They want to control and rewrite the human race, and its history and future. What good is profit when the gods can change the currency?
We never split from the crown. Each war costed us money, land, power, our country, our kids and generations that followed. We became complacent while we were occupied in wars and the such.
The least we could do is burn down the fed and IRS. Future generations will be in the light.
It's my belief that we lost the war of 1812.
And none are so ignorant as those who think they are free, and are not:
100% true.
How Ironic that everyone who went ALL IN with covid are going to dream, long for, and wish for, their "old normal" and it will never come back. They all "took a shot" and missed. They liked their old normal but took a big gamble and lost it.
Try telling that to a normal person and see what they say. . . .
Still the deniers of truth and sheep cannot be helped
deniers of the truth are impossible to help as long as they deny the truth.
Sheep can be helped, but only if their shepherd is Good.