Geologist Decodes Gobekli Tepe & It's Mind Blowing!
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I wonder if there is some cyclical 12,000 year fiery bombardment of the earth that we go through that these folks are trying to warn us about. Some of the current researchers have been floating some ideas like that. What was that latest show that came out? Ancient Apocalypse I think. Maybe that's coming and thats why no one (in charge) seems to care about debt amounts, morality etc.
Edit: Bah, doomers peddling gold buying. I have hard time listening to any doom speculation by people peddling gold or prepping supplies. Almost all of them are "prepare(buy) now, its happening now!". Over and over, month after month, its funny to look through their videos to see years of it's happening over a history of it not happening but they've been selling their prep gold widgits the whole time.
There is, it actually seems to be about a 6500 year cycle and has been repeating for at least 34,000 years, I don't think they've confirmed any cataclysms older than that because the evidence gets destroyed. We are overdue. Read "The Adam and Eve story", for a good intro to the topic. CIA classified the book for about 40yrs, I think they declassified in 2005 or thereabouts. Available free online.
According to Suspicious 0bservers, there is a 12,000 year cataclysm and we are due for it right about now. There are also half-cycles where serious atmospheric events happen every 6,000 years, and mini-cycles every 3,000 and 1500 years. There is tons of detailed information on their channel:
Watch archaix..Jason he is the most profoundly read chronologist with a massive bibliography for his data...he does not use internet as source material.
We are due the next cataclysm may can be pinpointed to this degree as we live in a mathematical construct....they come every 150 years with the elite going underground in theircities down there to escape.
Last one 1902 was not as bad as some..some like the worldwide flood takes out most of the world...Rockefeller came back up and fortune 500 firms got born as did a mass of ',new' technology....check it out. This one going to be bad..vapour canopy will form as in the past and the ambient radiation as a result of earthquakes coupled with more oxygen etc will see tremendous growth of vegetation and humans under a purple sky.
Maybe I was killed in the cataclysm of 2014 and not Net Neutrality repeal like I first thought!!!!
That Adam and Eve book that pops up on conspiracy every once in awhile mentions an 11,500 year cycle due to magnetic pole shift.
Interestingly enough there's a declassified KGB document from years ago regarding the pyramids and its conclusions were that the pyramids potentially mitigate the effects of the magnetic pole shift and that due to the current state of them globally, we're ill prepared.
Also project Avalon have a video named The AngloSaxxon project posted 11 years ago (which even predicts a flu like virus originating from China that would be used to usher in draconian measures) but additionally he states that the elite are in a hurry to startthis project because of a coming global geocataclysmic event that they're aware of.
That's just a wee plug. Don't you use the forward arrow on the right hand side of the keyboard to quickly skip through that? The conversation is quite interesting.
Suspicious Observers talks extensively about the 12,000 year cataclysm cycle:
I loooooove Rex bear! Be the change ya wanna see folks
I was already aware of most of this from following Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson.
Me too, it was just very interesting to see Oppenheimer ranch project talking about this stuff.