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Sounds very good! Any herbs and spices? Salt?
Salt and herbs, think some spices as well. Loads of good videos on YT.
I am amazed at how quickly I am feeling the benefit. Thought I could never live without fruit: had one of my apples and it tasted too sweet, could not finish it. Then I felt weird, my concentration went and I started to feel hungry. Clearly that was enough to set off an insulin spike. Incredible how we get used to eating stuff that is hailed as healthy (have 5 a day) when its actually doing long term harm.
I honestly believe that fruit is healthy, and that we would be served well by the plants that naturally reside in our ecosystems (God's design), and that the stuff in supermarkets isn't any of that. I'm wanting to clear some woods and plant gooseberries, elderberries if the land will take it. But a carb halt for detox sounds very promising; the best weight loss I ever had was a few months on the original Atkins (before they killed him, admitted he was right, and re-marketed it as fads); that dates me badly, lol.
Yet someone is still making money off his name. I bought the peanut butter chocolate bars once. I ate the whole box in record time🤦🏻♀️ My mom didn’t buy the healthiest food when we were kids. Those peanut butter bars taste just like carnation breakfast bars. Food like that was the downfall of American food. At least my grandma cooked real food and we ate with her more than at home.
God bless the grandmas!!
I hear what you say, but the fact is that many people have problems with fruit and veg. They have changed over time: veg bred to be resistant to pests, fruit and sweetcorn to be sweeter, even supersweet. Then there is pollution, chemtrails, pesticides. Bodies adapt, its only when you stop and clear out your system that the damaging effects become apparent.
Dr. Anthony Chaffee - 'Plants are trying to kill you!'
Yesterday I thought that in time maybe I would re-introduce certain veg and see how I get on, today I doubt it. What puzzles me is what God's plan is: I have a garden orchard and a veg plot I can't make use of. Interesting. I am waiting for enlightenment...
I get you... I take pictures of the grid spraying over our area, which is adjacent to much farmland. You're doing really well on your plan, seriously, don't let me disrupt it, but there are elements of nutrition that do only come from plant sources. I do believe that our genetics/blood type or however it's indicated, do make us each tend to do better on different types of diet. Chinese people are almost totally lactose-intolerant, for instance.
But I trust the Lord has given us what we need to thrive in each of our habitats. We pray for the enlightenment to discern what's been hidden from us these many, many years.
I saw two videos on Instagram last night that might be interesting. I haven’t had a chance to research. I took screenshots and copy/paste are below. Like a fool I didn’t save the link from instagram.
From insta post:
“Michael Pollan gave a wonderful speech years ago where he discussed visiting Joel Salatin at Polyface Farms and his book The Omnivores Dilemma. This speech was presented at the 2006 National Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, CA and is part of the Ecological Food and Farming Collection, Vol. 1. Joel Salatin at Polvface Farms and his book The Omnivores Dilemma.”
“ @dave.asprey The importance of cows in our ecosystem. In addition to being healthy and IL delicious, cows produce a precious commodity called poop. Poop makes soil. Soil is the largest carbon sink on the planet. If you remove the cows the way we have removed buffaloes and elephants from ecosystems”