Yes. Souls keep incarnating in that line. This is why they chose to inbreed in the hopes of keeping the same souls in control. Soon their service will no longer be needed. Helping spread negativity is no longer a priority for humans to evolve spiritually, and as a result. Their contract expires. World domination was their end of the deal. When Lucifer no longer has control, their deal ends. We become the owners of our planet once more.
There is no one anti Christ. The anti christ is anyone that lives and does the opposite of what Jesus set forth as examples for the rest of us follow. Just like the is no one person who will destroy the world. There is no one person that grants salvation. Salvation is achieved when you reach enlightenment.
The reason for all of this is simple. Human consciousness is elevating. This is what the literal definition of the great awakening means. Where we go one we go all has esoteric meaning about the journey of the soul back to the creator. Q mentions ascending. Q mentions trust the plan, whose plan? Why the creators plan. As more humans start to be more kind, and aware of the harm they do to each other, and start to make better decisions when presented with negative and positive, the higher we evolve spirituality. This is why it is no longer needed to have Lucifer in control, the families that serve him by spreading negative will also no longer be needed. A golden age of life on earth is coming. Read your Bible.
The Federal Reserve System (FRS) is the world's largest running Ponzi scheme (PS). It has become over-extended. All Ponzi schemes accelerate out of control. The fractional reserve banking system is attempting to manage the collapse. A total reset is what they want. Quantitative Easing (QE) is desired to "ease" us into this total reset. Too much of a financial shock wave could awaken the world to their fraud. If this happened, extreme measures using police-state style force would have to be used. They want to avoid this. Trump did too. As president he enacted financial policies that countered their plans. This is why they hated Trump so much.
A Ponzi scheme (PS) relies on 3 main factors to keep the fraud perpetuating:
#1) Willing dupes.
#2) an ever increasing supply of new dupes coming into the system, and
#3) Keep changing the rules is helpful (Move the goal posts).
One of the characteristics of a Ponzi schemes is that it must keep growing (accelerate) in order from collapsing. As it grows it accelerates its growth, ever increasing demands are required, and the frequency of demands accelerates until it becomes unmanageable. The system needs to become increasingly unfettered. This is where the FRS is today.
Why do you think Open Borders is intended to help perpetuate the global elite's supporting caste for their Ponzi scheme? Refer to PS factor #2) above. Open borders only slows the inevitable collapse though. This however provides a fresh population of new dupes for the looming global digital Ponzi scheme.
The FRS has the power to expand and contract the money supply. But at this point, there is nothing they can do to prevent the FRS collapse except delaying it. A total reset needs to happen. And a completely new Ponzi scheme has to be set in to place. This would be a global currency based entirely on digital currency. Why do you think Greece's financial restructuring required eliminating paper currency and implementing digital currency? The same thing is occurring in other countries as well. I believe Sweden has elected to go completely digital. Here in the US, other methods to entice people to use digital currency are now seen in shopping malls where entire areas require the use of only credit/debit cards and no paper currency is allowed. The American dollar is the reserve currency of the world. The managed collapse of the FRS is to remove the United States as the world's reserve currency. The FRS has publicly stated their desire to change the reserve currency to China. This is to launch the FRS financial reset. China has installed the infrastructure for the new age. The orchestrated pandemic was a power grab to lock-down the world's economy and from the managed collapse of the word's economy from the ashes of the dead would arise the Phoenix of a new global financial system with a world government enforcing it.
Here is an interesting substack from another Badlands member about how Trump has been the commander of the Fed since his 1st term, and what that means for the other central banks
What happens if that slave system collapses?...
What happens to their power?...
When would that occur?...
It feels like something is going to have to break...
It all feels..Biblical...
Seems it's building up to a Samson situation, bringing down the temple on their heads.
Gamestop is going to moon over their heads. Buy GME, Hodl, DRS & book those shares! 🍌🦍💎🙌🏼🚀🌝🪐🌌💥
Was THAT the plan all along? KEK
The surename of this family was Bauer before they got the red shield. Just FYI. This lineage can be traced back a long long time.
Yes. Souls keep incarnating in that line. This is why they chose to inbreed in the hopes of keeping the same souls in control. Soon their service will no longer be needed. Helping spread negativity is no longer a priority for humans to evolve spiritually, and as a result. Their contract expires. World domination was their end of the deal. When Lucifer no longer has control, their deal ends. We become the owners of our planet once more.
They inbreed because they think they come from the lineage of Christ and that because of this they will breed the anti christ.
There is no one anti Christ. The anti christ is anyone that lives and does the opposite of what Jesus set forth as examples for the rest of us follow. Just like the is no one person who will destroy the world. There is no one person that grants salvation. Salvation is achieved when you reach enlightenment.
I like the way you think, Mr. Cooper.
I thought the P was reference to Payseurs.
The reason for all of this is simple. Human consciousness is elevating. This is what the literal definition of the great awakening means. Where we go one we go all has esoteric meaning about the journey of the soul back to the creator. Q mentions ascending. Q mentions trust the plan, whose plan? Why the creators plan. As more humans start to be more kind, and aware of the harm they do to each other, and start to make better decisions when presented with negative and positive, the higher we evolve spirituality. This is why it is no longer needed to have Lucifer in control, the families that serve him by spreading negative will also no longer be needed. A golden age of life on earth is coming. Read your Bible.
Note the horns on the shield ... What kind of horns are they?
The Federal Reserve System (FRS) is the world's largest running Ponzi scheme (PS). It has become over-extended. All Ponzi schemes accelerate out of control. The fractional reserve banking system is attempting to manage the collapse. A total reset is what they want. Quantitative Easing (QE) is desired to "ease" us into this total reset. Too much of a financial shock wave could awaken the world to their fraud. If this happened, extreme measures using police-state style force would have to be used. They want to avoid this. Trump did too. As president he enacted financial policies that countered their plans. This is why they hated Trump so much.
A Ponzi scheme (PS) relies on 3 main factors to keep the fraud perpetuating:
#1) Willing dupes.
#2) an ever increasing supply of new dupes coming into the system, and
#3) Keep changing the rules is helpful (Move the goal posts).
One of the characteristics of a Ponzi schemes is that it must keep growing (accelerate) in order from collapsing. As it grows it accelerates its growth, ever increasing demands are required, and the frequency of demands accelerates until it becomes unmanageable. The system needs to become increasingly unfettered. This is where the FRS is today.
Why do you think Open Borders is intended to help perpetuate the global elite's supporting caste for their Ponzi scheme? Refer to PS factor #2) above. Open borders only slows the inevitable collapse though. This however provides a fresh population of new dupes for the looming global digital Ponzi scheme.
The FRS has the power to expand and contract the money supply. But at this point, there is nothing they can do to prevent the FRS collapse except delaying it. A total reset needs to happen. And a completely new Ponzi scheme has to be set in to place. This would be a global currency based entirely on digital currency. Why do you think Greece's financial restructuring required eliminating paper currency and implementing digital currency? The same thing is occurring in other countries as well. I believe Sweden has elected to go completely digital. Here in the US, other methods to entice people to use digital currency are now seen in shopping malls where entire areas require the use of only credit/debit cards and no paper currency is allowed. The American dollar is the reserve currency of the world. The managed collapse of the FRS is to remove the United States as the world's reserve currency. The FRS has publicly stated their desire to change the reserve currency to China. This is to launch the FRS financial reset. China has installed the infrastructure for the new age. The orchestrated pandemic was a power grab to lock-down the world's economy and from the managed collapse of the word's economy from the ashes of the dead would arise the Phoenix of a new global financial system with a world government enforcing it.
He forgot one other item.... : Extra Judicial and Extra-Territorial with Consular Protections.
Is that a tiny white hat
Here is an interesting substack from another Badlands member about how Trump has been the commander of the Fed since his 1st term, and what that means for the other central banks