And we say companies who suppress real cures to promote their evil for profit are idlers/murderers. The sentence for killers is the death penalty or a life sentence without parole. So when you don’t give people a choice, when you are a part of the mandate crowd, you don’t deserve to live.b.
It has to be that way to ensure it never happens again. Fines are not enough. The message needs to be sent that this will NEVER happen again. There is only one way to do that.
just this morning... we heard advertising on the radio for getting your updated booster shots if it's been more than 2 months since your last one... sponsored by pfizer and biontech. they're still spending tons of money to get their shit into the arms of the sheep!
Maybe even « Climate Supremacy ».🤭
& surely, Orange man bad🐸
Don't forget Russian man bad too.
maffs iz hard
We in Florida are well known climate supremacists!
Pureblood Supremacy!
Blut Herrenrasse.
And we say companies who suppress real cures to promote their evil for profit are idlers/murderers. The sentence for killers is the death penalty or a life sentence without parole. So when you don’t give people a choice, when you are a part of the mandate crowd, you don’t deserve to live.b.
It has to be that way to ensure it never happens again. Fines are not enough. The message needs to be sent that this will NEVER happen again. There is only one way to do that.
Death sentence to all involved will help ensure we get to the 500 million population goal the cabal wanted.
Just the scientists, head if Big Pharma and business CEOs who mandated the C-shot and then laid off tens of thousands.
75 years says it all...
just this morning... we heard advertising on the radio for getting your updated booster shots if it's been more than 2 months since your last one... sponsored by pfizer and biontech. they're still spending tons of money to get their shit into the arms of the sheep!
Yup, heard that one too. SMDH.
Umm...this is all misinformatioms ...mmm k
They won't be able to walk the streets.
Nice archiving, Penisse.
Modern day villagers with their pitchforks and torches...