About 100,000 chickens die, coop destroyed in blaze at Bozrah egg farm
More than 20 fire fighting crews from across the region battled a massive blaze at an egg farm in Bozrah on Saturday, fire officials said. The Salvation Army was on scene Saturday and said that about 100,000 chickens may have died in the blaze, according t...
This should be another clear revelation for everyone. Big corporate farming and ranching needs to end. Small family farms need to return and that is who we should be spending our hard earned money on. Every family that can support a garden in their backyard, should be growing their own. If you can have a chicken coop or another domestic farm animal, it may be worth considering. Distributed animals in smaller groups would be far less likely to be impacted by disease and disaster.
If only 1 in 4 households kept chickens, there would be no chicken industry needed.
And if people started raising rabbits, they could raise the same amount of meat as a cow in 1 year in a small hutch in the backyard. Even people in apartments can raise enough meat inside to cut their cost of meat from the store in half. All you need is a breeding trio, two doe's and a buck. They don't make any noise, they don't destroy property, they don't need much space, they don't smell (just dump their trays daily), and you can feed them grass and food scraps.
This is what we need. Decentralize and reduce reliance on big corporations and government. Big corporations do come up with innovative ideas and products, I'm not saying they aren't a possible positive entity, however they need to be checked and balanced by individualism and competition.
Col. Sanders and Popeye were spotted exiting the scene with gasoline cans and fryer baskets in hand…
Poor cluckies.
Honestly 100k chickens isn't a lot considering millions of chickens are butchered per day.
This is a good rabbit hole to go down. This fire might actually be a good thing, if this report from 2015 is any indication:
https://abcnews.go.com/US/hillandale-farms-responds-hidden-camera-footage-showing-decomposing/story?id=31670059 (edited)
If all Hillandale egg plants are like this one, you'll never want to eat another commercial egg again.
50x400ft = 100,000 chickens? Good riddens imo.
Biblical Coincidence? Bozrah? Could there be a message in this? Just wondering. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bozrah
The prophets Amos, Isaiah, and Jeremiah predicted Bozrah's destruction...
Rebuild with sprinklers!
Time to raise some chickens.
It's easy 😉
OK, Who was smoking in bed?
That's a lot of chickens, but there are 305 million egg-producing chickens in the usa, and 9 billion raised for meat each year.
That's a city's worth of chickens.
But I will send a fire against Teman, and it shall devour the palaces of Bozrah. (Amos 1:12). The Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Edom. (Isaiah 34:6). "I swear by myself", declares the Lord, "that Bozrah will become a ruin and a curse, an object of horror and reproach; and all its towns will be in ruin forever". (Jeremiah 49:13).
Sounds like the fire departments wanted a BBQ. Hope they got filled up.
17 Schwarz Road. = [Soros] chickens coming home to roost (someplace fiery).