Came here to say this. With zero medical or scientific background whatsoever, I figured this scam out in March 2020. These people have no excuse. Our trust will be restored when their Satanic system is destroyed and they all hang. There will be no talking it out and moving on.
I had my suspicions early, the "bodies dropping in the streets of China" scared me at the very very beginning, but I'm also a skeptic so obviously I quickly went to "wait a second, this is the CCP being filtered through our bullshit MSM, this could all be a play". Then when they locked down small businesses and let fucking Walmart, literal cesspool of the worst of humanity, McShitters, ect, stay open and in fact make BANK during all this, I knew it was all a scam. I've been awake for a long time, my dad is a hardcore cynic, he didn't go to Nam due to knee injuries but he was around that age and lost a lot of friends over there. He saw thru the bullshit in the following years and instilled that in me as a young boy. He was subtle but looking back I can see the seeds of doubt and questioning he planted in my young brain. I've always been questioning of everything, to a fault maybe at times, but I'd rather that than have the naive belief these PTB have any of our interests or American interests in mind at all and live with my head up my ass.
Those twerking nurses on Tik Tok all knew their hospitals were empty and they had nothing better to do than practice choreographed dances, but they sat back in silence and allowed the culture to heap praise on their “sacrifice” and “heroism” and played along with the whole “war zone” narrative. That is so scummy. It’s evil on multiple levels. And somehow they’ve justified it to themselves to the point that I don’t think they think they even did anything wrong.
It’s so much like the “climate scientists” too. The cabal has figured out if you build a narrative where some profession becomes “heroes” and “saviors of humanity”, the majority of people in that profession will happily play along, even at the expense of their fellow man.
The dancing nurses were so WTF level bizarre and twilight zone-esque, I’ve seriously wondered if they were intentionally trying to get the truth out to the public by “telling us without telling us”. I honestly can’t think of any other motivation for doing that in light of the 24/7/365 onslaught of existential panic-porn we were being force fed through the MSM firehose.
I’ve thought that as well but it seems too shrewd for them. I think if it was intended as a subversive undermining of the narrative, there would have been more forms of subtle resistance and more anonymous whistleblower videos of empty hospitals. And in interviews there would have been more hesitation in their answers.
Agreed, brother. The dancing nurses infuriate me the most. They and the doctors know masks don't work, they know that Remdesivir and ventilators were murdering people...and they take to Tik Tok for choreographed dance routines? All while I'm being extorted at work and blackballed from society? All of them need to be used as an example so that this can never happen again. They should be strung up by their necks so we can watch them shit themselves while they hang. They've proven to be very dangerous order followers
Came here to say this. With zero medical or scientific background whatsoever, I figured this scam out in March 2020. These people have no excuse. Our trust will be restored when their Satanic system is destroyed and they all hang. There will be no talking it out and moving on.
me too. It was so obvious
Me three. The minute the whole covid bullshit hit the scene hubby and I were suspicious as hell. We'd obviously been awake enough to see through it.
Same here
I had my suspicions early, the "bodies dropping in the streets of China" scared me at the very very beginning, but I'm also a skeptic so obviously I quickly went to "wait a second, this is the CCP being filtered through our bullshit MSM, this could all be a play". Then when they locked down small businesses and let fucking Walmart, literal cesspool of the worst of humanity, McShitters, ect, stay open and in fact make BANK during all this, I knew it was all a scam. I've been awake for a long time, my dad is a hardcore cynic, he didn't go to Nam due to knee injuries but he was around that age and lost a lot of friends over there. He saw thru the bullshit in the following years and instilled that in me as a young boy. He was subtle but looking back I can see the seeds of doubt and questioning he planted in my young brain. I've always been questioning of everything, to a fault maybe at times, but I'd rather that than have the naive belief these PTB have any of our interests or American interests in mind at all and live with my head up my ass.
No amnesty or refunds. String them up. Remdesivir docs and dancing nurses
Those twerking nurses on Tik Tok all knew their hospitals were empty and they had nothing better to do than practice choreographed dances, but they sat back in silence and allowed the culture to heap praise on their “sacrifice” and “heroism” and played along with the whole “war zone” narrative. That is so scummy. It’s evil on multiple levels. And somehow they’ve justified it to themselves to the point that I don’t think they think they even did anything wrong.
It’s so much like the “climate scientists” too. The cabal has figured out if you build a narrative where some profession becomes “heroes” and “saviors of humanity”, the majority of people in that profession will happily play along, even at the expense of their fellow man.
I knew they were empty because I was in one at the height of Covid for a laceration in my arm. Crickets and Tumbleweeds.
The dancing nurses were so WTF level bizarre and twilight zone-esque, I’ve seriously wondered if they were intentionally trying to get the truth out to the public by “telling us without telling us”. I honestly can’t think of any other motivation for doing that in light of the 24/7/365 onslaught of existential panic-porn we were being force fed through the MSM firehose.
I’ve thought that as well but it seems too shrewd for them. I think if it was intended as a subversive undermining of the narrative, there would have been more forms of subtle resistance and more anonymous whistleblower videos of empty hospitals. And in interviews there would have been more hesitation in their answers.
Agreed, brother. The dancing nurses infuriate me the most. They and the doctors know masks don't work, they know that Remdesivir and ventilators were murdering people...and they take to Tik Tok for choreographed dance routines? All while I'm being extorted at work and blackballed from society? All of them need to be used as an example so that this can never happen again. They should be strung up by their necks so we can watch them shit themselves while they hang. They've proven to be very dangerous order followers
Don't forget that "essential worker" bullshit.
Ditto, and I agree with your entire post. The medical industry needs to be completely dismantled.