And all we have to do is thank Obama … never forget that in 2012 Obama signed an executive order repealing or ‘modernizing’ the Smith-Mundnt Act 1948 …. Ya know the bill that prevented the MSM from using propaganda against the American people !! Then later that year? Sandy Hook …. Let’s go people! Time to wake up!!
I hope that the tribunal will strip away the protections Obama put in place for MSM people died because of their lies which were listened to by both patients and medical professionals.
According to law enforcement officials, there was police activity and nobody was available for further comment. Well this just in, eggs are bad again. Scientific researchers have determined that egg yolks prevent luciferase from replicating or something.
Sadly - this bullshit is considered "normal" these days. Journalism died years ago. All we have now is propaganda, pretending to be news.
And all we have to do is thank Obama … never forget that in 2012 Obama signed an executive order repealing or ‘modernizing’ the Smith-Mundnt Act 1948 …. Ya know the bill that prevented the MSM from using propaganda against the American people !! Then later that year? Sandy Hook …. Let’s go people! Time to wake up!!
I hope that the tribunal will strip away the protections Obama put in place for MSM people died because of their lies which were listened to by both patients and medical professionals.
The TV lied, people died.
We've got O'Keefe.
According to law enforcement officials, there was police activity and nobody was available for further comment. Well this just in, eggs are bad again. Scientific researchers have determined that egg yolks prevent luciferase from replicating or something.