OK guys, real talk: if our govt is so compromised China can fly directly over our airspace and not get shot down, they no longer have the need to fly a balloon over our heads. The fact that this is here at all means
- It probably wasnt the Chinese who sent it
- NORAD cannot lock onto it
If this thing was actually appearing on radar over nuclear sites (now it has been over silos in Montana and Whiteman AFB in MO, where the stealth bombers are housed) it would have been neutralized immediately.
It's obvious that the official story is a lie, but I think what they're covering up is that they dont know what it is, and they're unable to shoot it.
Maybe this is going to be the "sky event"?
Is it possible the reason it’s not shot down is because he doesn’t have control over the military—ie he’s not commander and chief?
That would be commander in chief, but yes, he has control over our military because they didn't do a goddam thing to stop this invasion. NORAD cannot start shooting at enemy aircraft without presidential permission, and right now Biden illegally has the position of president.
So nothing happened.
Or maybe Continuity of Government is in effect and there currently is no commander in chief. Combat commanders would be in charge regionally.
If i was the combat regional commander and there was a ufo by my nukes, i think i'd give the order to engage
Well somebody must hold the reins. If not Biden, the chain of command still has to have a top somewhere, and whoever that is should have given the order
If we're really just watching theater and the good guys are in control, couldn't this just be a way to expose the DS/Biden's impotence and/or compromised status?
Nope I don't think so I think it has more to do with them paying for this, to the Biden's?
Ps they are investigating John Kerry and his climate dealings with the CCP.
And here comes a weather balloon?
Exacto. Oldest trick in the book
Several thoughts- 1) huge embarrassment to Biden. Maybe means the white hats are ultimately in control? 2) how many times has this happened that we weren’t “made aware” of? 3) why a crude balloon when the Chinese have spy satellites all over the sky, and no doubt spies all over the ground? What could they possibly gain from this? 4) snickering at the thought of this thing flying towards MAL, and then Trump taking things into his own hands?!! Shot heard ‘round the world indeed 🙏🏻
Good points
Also: how do they know it is Chinese? This is a rumour, which cannot be confirmed.
China has confirmed that it is a "meteorology research station" of theirs that has blown off course and has limited steering to maneuever back on course. Which is the exact same "the ufo was a weather balloon" cover story our own government invariably puts out. So I see no reason to believe it when it comes from the ccp, either
Since when did we start believing China?
EMP drifted in at the precise altitude to cover the entire conus
Trojan horse. No ICBM needed.
Ten days of darkness?
Thought that works only work if popped over central CONUS.
Too late for that, but it could affect the entire lower eastern half and also likely the islands in the gulf.
In Accordance with OP points 1 and 2; is this blue beam or whatever the hell it's called? How can we not "lock on" and thereby destroy?
All that aside, what is really going on? Rogue flat earth research?
Further aside: kek.
Blue beam is holographic and that's an actual balloon not a mirage.
I mean if you can make a hologram you can make a hologram of a balloon.
Ah. Thanks.
We could. We didn't. What does that tell you?
Not a radar expert but maybe balloons don't give much of a signature to lock onto.
Rhetorical question.
YTrump put in a program to counter Chinese spying and collecting data from our country. Because it was directed at the Chinese, Biden said it was racist and dismantled every bit of it.
Afghanistan and now this! They have already said on the news that balloon should never have even made it into our airspace on the Pacific coast. WTF, over.
You are right. The Chinese don't need a damn balloon. Biden hands them everything. Heck, they don't even need satellites. Maybe this is a white hat thing, to make the Uniparty look yet more ridiculous? But, frankly, that doesn't seem necessary. I really can't figure out the balloon.
Makes the most sense of the theories I've seen so far
Under normal circumstances I would agree with your logical conclusion. But, there are other potential reasons for why the US military got cucked by the CCP, and none of them are good for America.
The CCP is using blackmail/extortion directly against Biden, and ordered Biden to "sit down, order the military to stay out of our way, and shut the fuck up- or else."
The balloon has top secret US technology on board that if [after being shot down] were discovered, it would reveal people close to Biden who are responsible for selling that technology to the CCP.
The balloon is retaliation for some sort of similar espionage type injury against China. The CCP may have issued a threat against some kind of US military asset, like one of our spy satellites, that is vulnerable to being destroyed by the CCP if the US shoots down the balloon.
Biden simply sold US airspace to the CCP in exchange for money, and favors.
All of the above scenarios could explain why the US military is now a cuckold organization to CCP infiltration of our sensitive airspace.
Most of these fall under the "if we're that compromised then they dont need the balloons" category. The 4th one is the only one that could explain it
Just read this on here.
My boomers are generally distrustful of government, but it's taken this stupid balloon story for my dad (ex-Navy) to see how flagrantly fake the media is.
For the unitiated, if the balloon thing was real you'd never have heard about it... It's have been dealt with probably before reaching out airspace.
My thoughts, this could be a diversion for something much bigger that's going to happen soon? Will see...
I dont think it's a diversion so much as a precursor. If we get nuked or bioweaponed or emp'd people will point to this. If there's a ufo or project bluebeam ufo type fake, this will be linked. If there's total war with china, this again. If biden is ousted for china ties, this. This was a huge development but there are many possible meanings. Hindsight might be the only accurate way to interpret, unfortunately. Get out of the major cities while you can, is my advice.
Yeah, I doubt there’s really a hoax but yet this could be anything. My local media was completely silent on this, so as usual, I had to come here to hear about it.
I don’t think running away going to solve the problem, no where to hide, if the nuclear weapons start falling 🙈
You cant hide from the collapse of a nation, but you can avoid being crushed under the rubble
That’s true, but we also have to watch out for radiation poisoning…
After the immediate blast you have to worry about that for 24-48 hours. Longer than that and it'll still give you cancer but you might live another 10-20 years. If there's a collapse the cities are the worst place to be. If nothing happens and this is just a big scare...hey, you moved to the country! No harm done
Oh yeah, I already moved to the country 10 years ago so I'm way ahead of you fren 😉
And besides radiation poisoning I guess we should be stocking up on hazard suit protection, not just food and silver.... All in all, hopefully the best is yet to come and soon!
Strap on the tinfoil.
Could this balloon actually be a hologram? Sky event? Project Blue Beam?
They couldn’t shoot it down because it doesn’t actually exist and they can’t come out and say that.
Imagine this on a huge scale and what they could accomplish. Example: Fake an alien invasion and while everyone is panicking on what they’re witnessing in the sky, you could be eliminating people on the ground.
I think the balloon is a white hat operation. They’re trying to disclose that this technology exists so that it cannot be used on us in the future. As it would probably only be effective the first time.
Im more inclined to believe its comms.
I'm not saying it's aliens....
But .....
They could shot it down because it's possibly a nuke emp attack?
All the more reason it would have been shot down long before getting here.
unable to shoot it seems like a stretch. even if they can't radar lock the thing and hit it that way.. its not extremely maneuverable, some fighter pilot could shoot it down.
Depending on the type of material used to build it, it could have next to no radar signature. If it is above 65,000 feet it is above the sevice ceiling of fighter jets. Supposedly these weather balloons can go up to 200,000 feet. Additionally, as I said before, if the chinese have the ability to tell our army not to shoot (due to commanders that are very compromised) they have no need for intelligence flights. They could just tell these compromised commanders "give us this data we want" instead of sending a balloon to collect it themselves. If it's not generating a radar signature or heat, that neutralizes almost all our defenses. It could be too high to engage w guns.
Having said that, I think it is more likely that this did not come from China. China will take credit for it since we are offering it
sorry, i thought people were seeing it with the naked eye from the ground.
Idk. It flew over me and i couldnt see it some footage I saw was taken by an aircraft. I have seen people estimating as low as 20,000 feet and high as 80,000 so maybe it is changing altitude as it goes. Or maybe people are just really bad at estimating height. Either way, it was miles up there and beyond AR range
I'm thinking the dumb thing is the DS playing with project bluebeam