STUDY: Ugly People Are More Likely To Continue Wearing COVID Masks
Is this why people are still wearing masks? A new study from Seoul National University in South Korea found that ugly people are more likely to continue wearing COVID masks in the post-COVID era. Outkick reported: Specifically, young and middle-aged Americ...
Yep. It has been a relief to them to be able to hide behind a mask and enjoy their only hope of being mysterious.
It's hard to read people wearing a mask. The instant response to the smallest smile is lost. The spontaneity is thrown off.... People are not effectively communicating...... Wearing a mask is a crime against humanity. We are social beings and every sense we have is needed for the fullest enjoyment of fellow man.
I made a crack about that in my class just to lighten the mood among students, and a parent went ballistic on me, lol.
Of course! Why didn't we see this before.
Judge for yourself.
Can't unsee that now....
I must be the exception to the rule then. 🤪
I love wearing my mask so they can't see me laughing at them. Just kidding.
Butter faces.
And for that we may be thankful.
Well, that's considerate of them.
hey, i may be ugly and hate-filled, but... wait, what was that third thing you said?
How is ugliness scientifically measured? Face does not have fibonacci proportions?
In public I just laugh at them. The looks they give me are priceless!
The ONLY time I liked wearing a mask was on an airplane and ONLY because I chew/dip during flights, so it provided a good cover.
I wouldn't know. I have never worn one. Never will. I caused 3 businesses to lawyer-up to defend themselves when I was refused service. Cost them thousands of dollars.